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Posts posted by Xylos

  1. I need to report an error I tried to log in, but at the beginning of the game it looked like I was a new player and my avatar changed from man to woman, but the clothes I was wearing disappeared Could you restore Bisharp's clothes? And change my avatar to man?


    Please HELP


    Hey lolorss123,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    Can you please check if your character is also female when you take all your clothes of and not only in the preview window?

    Check also again if you don't have the Bisharp clothes and send me a screen shot please. In case they should still be away I can refund them for you.


    Regards Xylos

  2. I have a Lv.74 Rattata (trying to level it to 80 for this stupid kid quest), and I'm currently trying to level him up in Seafoam B1F~B3F.

    The issue is when i use the move Edge-Guard with him (against any pokemon there, at least) Rattata takes damage when:

    --Right when the dmg is being done to the opposing Pokemon

    --Right after the move, along the message "Rattata is damaged by recoil"


    Is this supposed to be like this? I fight Zubat, Psyduck, Seal, etc...and it's always like this.


    If it's a bug, I would like it fixed plz!


    Hey kokopuff,


    thank you for reporting this eventual bug! :) Next time please use our Bug Report Forum.

    There is also no need to report any battle system bugs as our dev's are currently working on a big PvP update with a whole new code where every Move, Ability and Item will work as the current one is not that great and is really hard to work with.


    This bug is just visual, at the end the recoil is calculated correctly and you lose the right amount of Hp.


    Thanks again for reporting!




  3. Is there anyway that he can use his email for Forget Password?


    Hey tahmaz,


    your friend can always send us his mail in our General Complaint area (No where else!) and we will tell him his username. Else he could also look in his mail for mails from us to see his username. :)

    Yes, there is also a way to use his mail for a forgotten password, he just needs his user name and mail and can solve this problem in the Dashboard.


    Hope this helps. ^^


    ~ Xylos




    Remember to not share sensitive information in any public sub forum! - Just as reminder

    • Like 1
  4. OK I'm on my phone right now, I opened the client and none of the GUI is responding, basically I can't log-in since the taps are not registering. Did a new Android client came out?


    I played on my phone just fine yesterday afternoon and when I played last night on PC I didn't see any new updates. I can't check Discord on my phone that's why I'm asking here.


    Hey MudkipCool,


    I'm sorry for this late reply :x

    No, there was no new client update. We had some maintenance but no new download was required for that. Sometimes there is a mistake with the download in cases like that. Therefore I would suggest you to delete the old client completely and simply re-download for the first.


    Let me know if that worked or if you found a other solution and which in case you did. :)


    ~ Xylos

    • Like 1
  5. Hey and welcome Squallenou! ^^


    In case you also speak English, I would like to quote this introduction as small starting help. :)


    If you you need, here is a small introduction in some main parts of the stuff happening around the game.


    Since we have a new interpret story, you will most probably be stuck somewhere in-game. We have a Help chat in-game you can always use and we also moderate there often, but sometimes is no one around. Check out our Guide sub-forum in this case, those guides already cured countless desperate souls and calmed down many mad minds - especially for story stuff. Besides story stuff we also have guides for probably any bigger not story related in-game quest. Made by the community for the community. :P

    We also have a PRO Wiki, it is not in a shape we could call it finished and you should not trust the mentioned spawns there, but else there is much useful information. Usually stuff is described a bit more detailed there if you are a fan of knowing every detail of your subject.



    Mainly player - staff communication in all forms, help, concerns, suggestions and more, but also community interactions and info board.


    If you should ever have a question you can't find a answer to, you can always ask in our General Support area and our CC's will be glad to help you - we know everything. :smirk:

    Else here are a few of the more important sub-forums:

    • Announcements If there is anything new in the game it will be announced here. The Update Log and the News Board are the most important sub-forums.
    • Resolution Center includes general help, bug reports, ban appeals, complaints and all this stuff
    • Rules If you plan to stay a bit longer you should take a look at them - seriously :D
    • Trade Zone We have a trade chat in-game, but in the forums you can usually see some more rare and/or over the top Pokémon, but also services can be found here (Training, Dex service, Ev-Training etc.) Maybe something more for later, but here are many treasures hidden waiting to be found :P
    • Guilds If you are searching for a guild or want to promote your own.
    • Suggestions For... suggestions. :P

    But, I mean... you could also look at the forum main page and scroll through and you will see what we have.



    For community interaction besides the forums, feel free to join our Official Discord Server. There is a nice All chat where you can talk about any kind of stuff. From time to time we also have events here. But also news and maintenance's will be announced there. Also for any questions you can also ask them there in the Support channel. Often faster than our General Support, but answers are often held shorter since everything is a bit faster in real time chats. ^^


    So far so good. I let the rest for you to explore. If you have any questions, feel always free to ask. :)

  6. Hey,


    cool that you see the game worth to play :D Hope you will have some funny time playing the game.


    If you you need, here is a small introduction in some main parts of the stuff happening around the game. :)


    Since we have a new interpret story, you will most probably be stuck somewhere in-game. We have a Help chat in-game you can always use and we also moderate there often, but sometimes is no one around. Check out our Guide sub-forum in this case, those guides already cured countless desperate souls and calmed down many mad minds - especially for story stuff. Besides story stuff we also have guides for probably any bigger not story related in-game quest. Made by the community for the community. :P

    We also have a PRO Wiki, it is not in a shape we could call it finished and you should not trust the mentioned spawns there, but else there is much useful information. Usually stuff is described a bit more detailed there if you are a fan of knowing every detail of your subject.



    Mainly player - staff communication in all forms, help, concerns, suggestions and more, but also community interactions and info board.


    If you should ever have a question you can't find a answer to, you can always ask in our General Support area and our CC's will be glad to help you - we know everything. :smirk:

    Else here are a few of the more important sub-forums:

    • Announcements If there is anything new in the game it will be announced here. The Update Log and the News Board are the most important sub-forums.
    • Resolution Center includes general help, bug reports, ban appeals, complaints and all this stuff
    • Rules If you plan to stay a bit longer you should take a look at them - seriously :D
    • Trade Zone We have a trade chat in-game, but in the forums you can usually see some more rare and/or over the top Pokémon, but also services can be found here (Training, Dex service, Ev-Training etc.) Maybe something more for later, but here are many treasures hidden waiting to be found :P
    • Guilds If you are searching for a guild or want to promote your own.
    • Suggestions For... suggestions. :P

    But, I mean... you could also look at the forum main page and scroll through and you will see what we have.



    For community interaction besides the forums, feel free to join our Official Discord Server. There is a nice All chat where you can talk about any kind of stuff. From time to time we also have events here. But also news and maintenance's will be announced there. Also for any questions you can also ask them there in the Support channel. Often faster than our General Support, but answers are often held shorter since everything is a bit faster in real time chats. ^^


    So far so good. I let the rest for you to explore. If you have any questions, feel always free to ask. :)

    • Like 1
  7. i cant direct message Player and i dont knwo why and how i can fix this i would trade with other player i hope you can help me


    Hey maioLP,


    sorry for this inconvenience.

    Can you specify your problem a bit more? I got that you can't send direct messages, but where does the problem happen? Is there any error message in the chat or is there no message icon when you right click a user? Which way to Dm a user do you use?


    Just as a refreshment:

    You can Dm a user in two ways

    1. Right click a user and click on message
    2. Use the command /pm username

    Keep in mind that you can not Dm anyone when you or they have messages disabled or be offline,

    Keep me up to date.


    Regards Xylos

  8. [ATTACH=full]100495[/ATTACH]


    Hey CynthiaShizuka,


    generally we have a Evolution and De-leveling thread where you can post such requests. However, there is no need to de-level anyway in your case as Pokémon which evolve via happiness (Such as Chansey) can also evolve at level 100. Just make sure your Chansey has 255 (max) happiness. Then you can battle any Pokémon that usually gives Exp and your Pokémon will evolve we won't de-level Pokémon when it is still possible to evolve them. Hope you understand that.


    I will lock this topic now as everything should be clarified.

    Have a nice day!



  9. Hi Xylos!

    I see your guide contains evolutionary stones. However, the Ice Stone is not listed. Could you please add how it is obtained?




    sorry for the late reply. Thanks for this suggestion, I will add it when I got some time and add all well known ways if there are any to obtain the mentioned item.

  10. I logged in for the first time in about a year or so Today and I was just browsing around a bit, I intended to join the gold server, which I didn't have access to log into until recently due to needing to change passwords. Without really understanding the situation I bought 30 days of membership for the Silver server instead of the Gold, is there any way to revert this or get this changed?


    Hey PrinceIsaiah,


    yes there may be a option. However, firstly I want to ask if you are really sure if it was a mistake, because you only have progress on the Silver server, not on the Golden. Sure you bought it on the wrong server? Secondly, when did you bought the Ms, was it a Ms you just bought or was it in the inventory for a longer duration already?


    Regards Xylos

  11. Hello, i just merged an old account and it happens that all pokemon are disappear.

    not one in pocket no one in storage...i can't fight and i'm stuck.


    can you help me the solve this? i have an account locked in this way



    Hey Ripperol,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    It seems your account was part of a swiping progress we applied for all accounts not used for a very long time while having a very low playing time. Your account fell under this category.

    Unfortunately we can not restore any of your Pokémon. However, since your story progress was not very high, I can offer your a account reset and you could start from new.

    You could keep your name and your current in-game coins.


    What do you think of this option?


    Regards Xylos

  12. Hello Xylos,

    i remember i still not finish quest heatran , this is my mistake.

    sorry for disturb , please close topic,thanks for repply.

    But i not understand why i can log in my ingame in forum althought i have entered correct username and password.


    Okay, glad this problem is solved. As you wish, I will close this topic. I'm sure we could fix your forum problem as well if you give us your user name, if you want to have that fixed, please create a new topic. :)


    Regards Xylos

  13. Hi staff it me again,this time when i do quest catch celebi my master ball is missing and i want ask when do the quest there is npc lock up my masterball? becaube when i catch done i use escape rope


    Hey leviaot,


    there is indeed a quest which takes you Master Balls, but thats the Heatran Quest not the Celebi Quest. If you have this quest still active, you may have not your Master Balls in your inventory.

    If you can give me your in-game username I may be able to find out where your Master Balls are, but else its basically impossible to lose them.


    Regards Xylos

  14. I was wondering if someone could post the newest client on the pro wiki or at lease leave it as a comment because I can’t re download the game due to the site not working on my computer and I need the media fire link but I can’t find the new update on it at all


    Hey boibrett,


    I'm sorry.

    Usually we update it right away, this time I forgot it somehow. I will update it now and it should be updated in a few minutes. Thanks for the reminder. :)


    Regards Xylos

  15. Ah sorry i didnt see you respond. The issue seems to have gone away althought i havent actually done any ev training with happiness evolution pokemon. I just wanted to let you guys know tho incase it was a reoccurring thing.


    Sure, reports are always welcome (exept when the server is down, we usually know that if that happens :P).

    Thank you for your effort to let us know. If you should notice any other stuff or have questions, feel always free to create a topic. :)


    I will close this topic now as the issue seems to be solved.

    Have a nice day!



  16. Guten morgen zu aller erst :)

    Wie du sagst ich bleibe im loginscreen stecken es tuht sich nicht einfach. Ich gebe meine daten ein warte bis zur 5min aber nothing.


    Okay, versuche es zu erst nochmal dich einzuloggen, dann re-downloade das Spiel am besten falls es nicht klappt, bevor du das machst, lösche bitte alle vorherigen PRO versionen.

    Im Falle, dass das nicht helfen sollte, von welchem System spielst du aus? Windows, Android etc. Und kannst du, wenn möglich, ein screenshot von dem Fenster in dem du steckst machen?

  17. Ich hatte dass letzte mal vor einem jahr gespielt, und hatte mal wieder Lust weiter zu spielen. Wieso kann ich mich nicht einloggen obwohl ich auf dem selben server bin und alles richtig eingegeben habe.


    Hey Ey37,


    was passiert denn genau? Kommt eine Fehlermeldung oder bleibst du zum Beispiel im Login-screen stecken? Versuche das Problem so gut es geht zu spezifizieren, damit wir dir auch best möglich helfen können, :)


    Grüße Xylos

  18. I have used exp boost that i have purchased for a long time ago, then it disconnects and i can not connect again.

    In 2 days when i try to play gamę connection lost or others problem, refund exist if i wanna my bms back? I totaly waste it cuz i cant play AN i try 20 Times every Day..


    Hey magicozie and yaz96,


    as sgarac already wrote, we sometimes have some down times which least usually only a dew minutes but rarely also longer. Also as already mentioned, our Devs are working on the issue in order to fix it. We are sorry for this inconvenience. We try to do some small compensations with some smaller events or free items, specific refunds are usually unlikely.


    Once again, sorry we can't do much more than working on it with high priority. Thanks to sgarac for the fast help. :)


    If you have any further questions, feel free to create a new topic, I will close this one for now as I think everything has been stated.

    Have a nice day!


    Regards Xylos

    • Like 2
  19. Ok great, thanks to you both. Does he give me time to go grab a sync poke and false swiper?

    Is the “risk” void if I use a masterball since it’s 100% catch rate?

    Is it once for each legendary or once for all legendaries? (Guess the first one but I am not sure)


    The Pokémon will appear on their old location again. A Master Ball is a option, sure, but if the server crashes exactly at this time it is still lost. You can do that for any Legendary not only for one, indeed.

    Further information about the Boss can be find on its Boss page in the Wiki.



  20. I am not sure if this is the appropriate section, but what happens if I free a legendary from my computer? Does Nikola reward it or does he only do so for legendaries that you defeat in the wild instead of capturing them?


    Hey Intoccabil3,


    to make it short: Yes, it is possible.

    A bit detailed: it is very risky as, in case you should not be able to catch it, it will be lost for ever.

    Here a quote out of the PRO Wiki:

    Nikola now allows you to re-summon each legendary you've released once. Bear in mind that neither he nor Community Coordinators will restore your legendary if you release it, intending to utilize the recapture as a reroll. He will only restore the legendary this way once, whether or not you manage to capture it. It is highly recommended that you do not utilize this as a reroll - this is intended for players who accidentally release their legendaries.


    Do you have any further questions regarding this topic?


    Regards Xylos

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