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Posts posted by Xylos

  1. i trying everything , but I can't pass ( Hoenn , Liliycove City


    Hello BySime,


    as the previous autors mentioned you have to finish the story related part at the Jagged Pass or to be more precise at the Team Magmar Hideout which is located at the Jagged Pass. Jagged Pass is the map at Mount Chimney you have to pass through to reach Lavaridge Town.




    To be able to enter the Jagged Pass you need to finish the story related part at Mt. Pyre which GrandWarden mentioned with the right guide.

    Thanks to all previos autors for the fast and good answers!


    When you are stucked in story and don´t knowe what to do next you can use one of the guides made by some players. In your case, for hoenn, the Complete Hoenn Walkthrough!. For other useful guides check out the Game Guide section. :Grin:


    Have a good day!


    Regards Xylos.

  2. Hello Valeriea97,


    Im sorry for this inconvenience.

    I moved your post in the General Support forum, whenever you have some questions feel free to ask them there after reading the Issue Guide which answers many questions and problems. :)


    Sadly it is like GrandWarden already wrote, we can´t reset any cooldown time or give back any item you lost in a case of a rollback.

    Lost by crash issues

    Including disconnections and rollbacks

    Some times when the game crashes/stuck, you might lose your a bit of your progress. Keep in mind that game is in BETA and crashes can happen any time. You will not be given anything you lost in a rollback/crash/stuck as it's responsbility. Please take the time to read the following thread Hit by a rollback?. We are so sorry for your case, however, it will not have any action go further for your case.

    I want to clarify that it is not possible to avoid server crashes, they are happening sometimes but there is no way to avoid them as a normal player. The "Crash issues or other issues" part which GrandWarden mentioned is only for cases you have problems to run PRO, have some disconnects caused by your system or similar issues but not for a case of a server crash. I just want to clarify that because I think it could be a bit missunderstanding. :y:


    Im very sorry about this issue but I still wish you a great day!

    Thank´s to GrandWarden for the fast answer, I will lock this topic now since its answered. :)


    Regards Xylos.

  3. Hello Duski,


    as I see you finished the main quest´s of the christmas event, you should got a Christmas Cracker by the Evil Grinch as a reward. For the second Christmas Cracker you have to beat Boss Kaguya, like ImPoppy mentioned. When you have some problems to find Kaguya, which is not unusual, you can take this cool guide as a help.


    In case you already won against Kaguya and did´t get your second Christmas Cracker leave a comment at this topic please. :)


    Thank´s to ImPoppy for the fast answer!

    Regarts Xylos.

  4. Hello Etcchi,


    Im sorry for this inconvenience.

    It is like OlafKun already mentioned with the right source, there is nothing we can do in a case of a rollback. The maintenance was highly needed at this time because of a bug at the christmas map which you mentioned in your post. Usually, in case of a maintenance, you have some time to log out and there is no rollback. Unfortunately the server crashed this time when Staff were about to start the maintenance.



    However, you have to fight against Boss Nikola to resett your chances to get Raikou as a reward by the Guardian.Thats always needed when you fight against a Legendary and defeat it by mistake, run away or have a disconnect. Don´t be afraid in case you can not fight against Nikola, everything is fine then, you can continue your Raikou quest without any hurdle.


    Tanks to OlafKun for the fast answer! :)

    I will lock this topic as answered.^^


    Regarts Xylos.

  5. Hi Redstorm77 and welcome to PRO, I hope you enjoy your stay! :Smile:


    I'd advise you to check our Game Guides forum and the PRO Wiki :)

    If you need help, take a look to our Resolution Center forum, or seek out Live Chat support via our Official Discord Server, we’ll do our best to assist you.

    Feel free to also check out our Facebook Page, Twitter, Youtube Channel, and Instagram as well !


    Have fun and have a great day! :Crazy:

  6. Hello harleyquinn08,


    a Admin investigated your issue and handed out your Rare Candys. Check out your inventory, your Rare Candys should returned.

    Make sure you always write the right name in the adress bar and put the right items in the mail.


    Have a good day!

    Regarts Xylos.

  7. Hello Manuel89cu,


    thank you for this kind words about the game, Staff is always working on the game to make it even better.

    However this is a suggestion and I moved this topic in the Suggestions forum.

    This is a often suggested topic, this is a answer from Staff for a PRO translation in any language.

    [glow=blue]PRO's main storyline will be kept English as the widely accepted "official" language in the game, even by bilingual players. Only minor things (menus, options, etc) will be translated; however, there is no estimated time frame for this, and it's considered very low-priority.


    We've had many suggestions for community-submitted translations to be implemented. However, the community would need access to proprietary code to even think about translating parts of the dialogue, and we will never give out access to our code that way. Since that won't happen, players will just have to wait until staff is ready to start adding translations ourselves.


    Another point that’s been brought up is a request for the community to be able to access dialogue scripts, rather than the actual code. However, this will still be denied. First, only a few staff members can access the code, and it takes time to collect the dialogue scripts line-by-line from the code, time that could be better utilized doing other things. Second, PRO is still in development. So instead of focusing on that priority, said staff members would need to divert time and energy away from that to collect dialogue instead, representing a waste of resources. Third, even with a community translation in place, there’s a huge amount of NPCs and story dialogue scripts in PRO that are always being edited and tweaked. Constantly having to update translations alongside these edits would represent a waste of time and resources. Finally, community translations do not guarantee quality control - staff members would need to recheck the dialogue translations after the community has submitted them (adding even more work, which is a huge burden considering the PRO staff already lacks human resources as is).


    Before making a suggestion check out this topic, your suggestion might be mentioned there and you are saving some time. Same for questions in General Support, there is a topic which may save you much time and helps out with most issues. ^^


    Have a great day!

    Regarts Xylos.

  8. Hey MisakiDestiny,


    Im sorry for this inconvenience.

    Sometimes you dont get your Coins immediately, are you sure you had them already at the time you bought the Mount?


    Otherwise did you searched at the right place for your Mount?

    Click on your Backpack to open the item menu.




    Now you can choose between some item types, click on "Customization" and look if your Mount is here.





    Let me knowe your result by a answer at this topic.

  9. Hello SlaveBinder,


    Im sorry for this inconvenience.

    Please try out following steps to avoid any missunderstanding and make things 100% clear.

    You may have done some of following steps and some may sound a bit annoing for you but sometimes we all miss some simple and trivial things, at least I do sometimes. :Grin:


    • Check your Pc box, maybe it is already in your box.

    • Check if you really beaten Giovanni (he will disappear after a won fight).

    • Pick up the Silph Scope from Giovanni's table. (May have no impact but just in case...)

    • Search for the Eevee in all receptors there are 2 receptors in Giovanni's room,
      1 on the other side of B4F and 2 more on B3F.

    • leave the Gamecorner and talk to Sergeant Rick. Check your Pokémon your are currently carryng with you and check the Pc box again.



    Let me knowe about the result by a reply here at this topic.

    You will get this Eevee, no matter in which way! :boot:


    Regarts Xylos.

  10. Hello demosten,


    Im sorry for this inconvenience.

    It´s right, Tyrogue only evolves to Hitmontop but this is basicly not a bug, it´s because the evolution for Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan is not coded yet.


    Here is a list of all currently not working evolutiones:


    • Pok%C3%A9monicon_236.png Tyrogue, to Pok%C3%A9monicon_106.pngHitmonlee or Pok%C3%A9monicon_107.pngHitmonchan (but can evolve into Pok%C3%A9monicon_237.pngHitmontop)


    • Pok%C3%A9monicon_458.pngMantyke


    • Pok%C3%A9monicon_412.pngBurmy, to neither Pok%C3%A9monicon_414.pngWormadam or Pok%C3%A9monicon_413.pngMothim


    • Pok%C3%A9monicon_684.pngSwirlix


    • Pok%C3%A9monicon_682.pngSpritzee



    This evolutiones might be coded in future but there is no ETA. In case a evolution get´s implemented into the game you can check the Downloads & Update Logs.


    As GrandWarden already wrote, you can obtain Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan, additionaly to the Mt.Silver spot, as a Bossreward by chance or as Third Time Boss Reward from Koichi. Take a look at this guide to find informationes to his and other Bosses location, requirements, rewards and more.^^


    I hope this answer helped you. :)

    Kind regarts Xylos.

  11. The requirements to be able to enter Trainers Valley are to fight against Red (Win or lose doasn´t matter), have caught 120 Kanto Pokémon (The first 151) and have 38 Evolutiones.


    The option to enter Trainers Valley will be given by the guy infront of the train at Goldenrod or Saffron City train station. You need to pay 5k for the train and additionaly a fee of 10k for Trainers Valley.


    AMmQRN1.png Pt1d6Of.png



    If there is still no option to enter Trainers Valley it may be a bug, in this case you can report it here.


    Regarts Xylos.

  12. Hi,


    like some users already wrote, the stats will be the same after a trade. Some Pokémon are evolving after a trade, in this case the stats will change like in a normal evolution.

    The only thing that changes is the happiness of the traded Pokémon. The happiness will drop to 70.


    Regarts Xylos.


    Locked as answered.

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