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Posts posted by Xylos

  1. I bought Magikarp from Magikarp Salesman at pokemon center route 3. Then, I'm going to learn special move to my Magikarp but server disconnect.

    When I login again, It can't talk with NPC to learn.


    message " You get a chance like that only once in a lifetime. Enjoy your living legend. "

    Sever : silver

    Name : Evilofevil


    Hey Evilofevil,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    Try now to talk to the seller, he should be able to sell you another. If not, let it me know here.


    Usually we can not help users for crash issues, this case is special in such a way, that I was able to see that you never received a Magikarp.

    Loses at server crashes or disconnects can happen from time to time as the game is still in beta and crashes can happen any time.


    Regards Xylos

  2. Happened on the 24 th of march 2019


    Hoenn story bug: When interacting with the rival at Mt. Pyre Summit a text box with something like "NPC Message" (skipped it too fast to exactly read through it) appears, afterwards I was locked in place without a battle starting.


    Solution is only to relog FAST (a slow relog with a minute inbetween brought me back to the pokecenter). After fast relogging the battle was skipped entirely and as if i had won the rival dissapeared.


    This happened to at least one more player i know of.


    Hey Maschmi,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience and thank you for reporting this bug!

    I re-played this part of the story and this bud did not occur for me. The rival disappeared for me as intended after a automatically started dialogue.

    There should be no battle with your rival. Currently I can't see any issue right now, it may was temporary.

    In case you notice more people have the same problem, or you face similar bugs, feel free to let me know. Like said, for me everything went well - twice.


    Regards Xylos

  3. This particular old man NPC trainer with a Corsola, in Route 32 (Johto), still notice me, walk up to me, and force me into a battle, even though I battled him already before, more than one week ago.


    Usually NPC trainers only needs to be battled once, after that they won't notice us anymore.......but this one seems to not have that setting.


    In the picture you can see the man not standing in front of the cliff, but 1 cell further, a proof that he walks up to me. Normally he stands right in front of the cliff.



    Hello Starlight,


    thank you for reporting this bug!

    I have informed proper party in order to have this not intended trainer battle fixed.

    As it is more a minor bug and does not directly harm any player, it may need a while until it is fixed as it is not prioritized. I hope you understand that.

    I will keep you up to date once the issue should be solved.


    Regards Xylos

  4. Im android player and the game crashed in 1min..


    Hey LaMueertee,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    Please try our general troubleshoot for Android users in such a case: Android Guide.

    In case the guide should not help you, could you give us more information about the crash? Does any error message appears, or do you crash out of nowhere or is the chat freezing and you will be kicked out of the game? Any detail could be important.


    Regards Xylos

  5. Hello, for a long time I can not play on my computer, since in less than a minute I freeze the game, which on mobile does not happen to me.

    Please do not tell me to check my internet connection or what is my computer's problem, because on mobile with the same wiffi, it does not happen to me.

    And the computer does not happen more than in PRO, in any other game or downloading files or anything.

    Is there any kind of problem in the game or why does this happen to me? Ee that is unplayable in computer, but I can not be on the phone because it consumes a lot of battery and apart it looks smaller everything as it is obvious because it is a mobile.


    Thank you, I await your response


    Hey Aniren,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience and this long waiting time.

    Your connection can still be a problem even when you use the same WIFi with your phone. However, since you say any other game works fine, you are right, it is most probably not your internet connection.


    Please try our general troubleshoot in such a case:

    Crash issues or other issues


    ▪︎ Win7 Guide

    ▪︎ Win10 Crash Fix

    ▪︎ Android Guide

    ▪︎ Mac Guide

    ▪︎ PRO on Linux Guide

    ▪︎ Black screen and Failed to load mono fix



    Other solution for crash (follow 3 steps)

    1. Unzip file without using WinRAR or 7zip

    2. Disable anti-virus program

    3. Restart computer


    Mac UnZip Programs Suggestions

    1. The Unarchiver

    2. WinZip5

    3. Keka

    4. BetterZiip


    Others solution:

    Update driver and reinstall Direct X


    Also, remember to delete all the past PRO clients and folders you might have in your device, including the temporary files (https://tinyurl.com/deletetempfiles), and even from the trashbin, before you download the new client.


    Let me know if you need any further help regarding this topic.


    Kind regards Xylos

  6. Windows 10 Professional, 64 Bit Client, no previous versions.



    Game functions normally at first, if I alt tab even once at any screen including the login screen, I am unable to move my character after any map transition until I alt tab out and back in again. Pokemon battles are fine and I am able to move after still.


    Tried running in every compatibility mode, with and without admin, toggled literally every option on or off, it's a straight up coding problem.


    Hey Meralux,


    I'm sorry that we didn't reply yet. The topic was a bit lost for us it seems.

    Feel always free to bump your post from time to time in case we should not reply.


    The problem occurred for you is most likely not a coding problem. Alt tabbing works fine for me when I'm ingame, I can switch all maps without any problem.

    In a case like such, I recommend to reinstall the complete game. Make sure if you do so, to delete all previous PRO versions.


    In case it should still not work, try our general troubleshoot:

    Crash issues or other issues


    ▪︎ Win7 Guide

    ▪︎ Win10 Crash Fix

    ▪︎ Android Guide

    ▪︎ Mac Guide

    ▪︎ PRO on Linux Guide

    ▪︎ Black screen and Failed to load mono fix


    Others solution:

    Update driver and reinstall Direct X


    Also, remember to delete all the past PRO clients and folders you might have in your device, including the temporary files (https://tinyurl.com/deletetempfiles), and even from the trashbin, before you download the new client.


    Let me know if you should still have any problems.


    Regards Xylos

  7. [ATTACH=full]67865[/ATTACH]


    Hey Silverstar,


    sorry for this late reply.

    It seems the topic got lost a bit. Feel always free to bump your topic from time to time in case we should not reply. :)

    The bug is known and can occur sometimes. A simple client restart and re-ordering the Pokémon in your party should be enough to fix this bug. If this should not help at all, or the bug appears more often to you, please re-install the game. Make sure to delete all other PRO versions before you download a new. Our download links can be found at our download page.


    A general bug fix from our side is not prioritized as it is a kind of rare bug and is, also for the user, easy to avoid with the above mentioned steps.


    Let me know if you have any further questions regarding this topic.


    Regards Xylos

  8. At 13:51:37 GMT+0 lending trade between allsmell and prosridhar123 on gold.

    Pokes IDs;

    16344881 scizor

    15461145 machop

    For 2 days for 20k.


    Have no screenies of the trade, but clearly both of us thought it should be a lend. Anyway didn't get the 3rd confirmation on my side. But I definitely entered lend 2 days. This had happened to me before, and I convinced myself if just forgotten. But the pokes were returned and all was well. However I though if this was happening twice. Was worth making a forum bug report over.


    Hey Allsmell,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience and this late reply.

    Thank you for reporting this bug!

    This bug is know and should be fixed soon! I will contact you here once again once the bug is fixed. :)


    Regards Xylos

  9. Am Doing EV training in rock tunnel bt incant see available pokemon in rock tunnel in any area



    Hey BlackGinny,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience and this late reply.

    Thank you for reporting this bug!

    I have forwarded the issue and it is being worked on. When this issue will be fixed is uncertain as it is more a minor issue. You can still see this bar when you click on the position where it should actually appear. It seems the shadow of places which require Flash cover this bar.

    I will let you know once this issue is fixed.


    Regards Xylos

  10. I was trying to dig in diglet cave and got this error



    Hey Suicune,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience and late reply.

    Thank you for reporting this error! :)

    This bug should already be fixed, can you check that by chance once you do your Dig Spots again?

    In case it should still happen for you, let it me know ^^


    Kind regards Xylos

  11. Hega When i log in first time im stuck yust by the first spot when u walk out of the pokecenter by the indigo plateau when i logg of and logg in again i can walk again not sure it is a bug so thats why i post this thread


    Hey Mertysoner,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience and this late reply.

    I tried to reconstruct this issue but with no success. Does this still happens to you? In case it should still happen to, I recommend you to re-install the game by deleting all PRO files and download and install it again.

    Let me know if it should happen to you anyway.


    Regards Xylos

  12. because it appears with the ability none?


    Hey Bhowli,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    This bug happens rarely and should be fixed when you simply re-log.

    Did that worked for you? If not, let it me know and I will try to re-create this issue and forward it to proper role.


    Kind regards Xylos

  13. I don't know if its a troll or not v:


    Hey Meat,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    Thank you for this report!

    And no, this is not a troll. ^^ The move itself is not bugged but it seems there is a error at the Move Re-learner for this move.

    I have forwarded the problem and it will be worked on. I can't really tell you when it will be fixed as it is more a minor issue, but I will keep you up to date at this topic.


    Have a good day! ^^

  14. I was pvping and suddenly the chat are not refreshing i cannot text, but i was able to swap between them and the poke time nd RL time was moving properly. what is this ?


    Hey Ta7esh,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience and the late reply.

    This seems to be a more rarer bug and we don't have a specific fix for that. Does this bug happens often to you? If it was just a bug you was affected by at one time, it may be occurred because of some connection issues.

    In case it should happen to you more often, I recommend you to re-install the game by deleting all PRO files and download and install it again.


    Let me know in case it should still happen to you and I will try to help you with further steps.


    Regards Xylos

  15. I caught a Nidoran and then shortly afterwards, the server crashed and when I was able to get back on again, my Nidoran was missing. Could you please possibly return her to me?


    Hey Zillatheorigin,



    I'm sorry for this inconvenience and the late reply.

    It seems you had a rollback as the server crashed. Unfortunately we can not reset any cooldown, refund any lost item, Pokémon or game progress in general in a case of such a rollback.

    Lost by crash issues (Including disconnections and rollbacks)


    Some times when the game crashes/stuck, you might lose your a bit of your progress. Keep in mind that game is in BETA and crashes can happen any time. You will not be given anything you lost in a rollback/crash/stuck as it's responsibility. Please take the time to read the following thread Hit by a rollback. We are so sorry for your case, however, it will not have any action go further for your case.



    Once again, we are sorry for that but there is really nothing we can do in such a case. :/

    I will lock this topic now as it is answered.


    I still want to wish you a nice day! ^^



    Regards Xylos

    • Like 1
  16. the right move > Mud sport

    The move that appears > Forget


    thanks =)


    Hey Aldaris,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience and this late reply.

    Thank you for reporting this bug.

    I leveled up some Geodudes and everything went intended, therefore I won't forward it yet, but if you should notice this problem more often, feel free to report it any time!


    Kind regards Xylos

  17. [ATTACH=full]67823[/ATTACH]


    Hey happy0w0,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience and this late reply. Thank you for this report!

    The issue should already be fixed and all headbutt trees should work properly.


    Let me know if you should still have any issues.


    Regards Xylos

    • Like 1
  18. Hey,


    maybe there will follow events which will he held on water or under water, we plan events usually 1-2 months before they are active to have everything well planned, but we still try to have unique events every time we do one and are kinda flexible there. If you have any ideas how we could implement waster/dive spots into our events, feel free to let us know.

    The problem, in my opinion, is that there is not much to vary in water or under water :/ Its a bit hard.


    About dive spots and if there will be more, some of us Staff had a talk about them and we came to the same conclusion that more and other dive spots would be cool. I can't really tell you if they will really follow and any time soon as it was just a talk we had and not 100% planned - but we had the same thought and a small talk.

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