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Posts posted by Sabrilemarocain

  1. Re: Chronos ( Top 1 PvP guild ladder in Red Server )


    <t>1. Hello , my name is Sabri im from morocco and im 24 years old .<br/>

    2. my nickname in pro is sabrilemarocain/rankedbattlesxy/simotofu/irbas<br/>

    3. i have around 3000 hours on my main player.<br/>

    5. my ambitions is to be the best .<br/>

    6. Im heplful, and very kind and loyal to my guildemates<br/>

    7. i was in one and one only guilde for a very long time . i decided to leave because there was a player who made me really uncomfortable in discour ...i just told them goodbye and wished them the best .<br/>

    8. shiny charizard , why because he looks awsome.<br/>

    9. yes<br/>

    10. yes of course</t>

  2. 336845
    336839 pretty sure they just removed dril from vic. road or made the spawn rate something stupid like they have been doing with other pok the last few weeks..

    The spawn rate is the same as always as far as I know, it's actually kinda painful to change the spawn rate for any specific Pokemon in the wild, so I doubt anyone will go through the trouble to actually do that.

    omg its the hero staff member :Shocked:

  3. i'm selling those futur pvp pokes :

    draini_2.pngb.o:3m4 - insta: 3m8

    dratini.png b.o:800k - insta: 1m2


    cleffa.pngb.o : 350k - insta: 600k

    img]https://s30.postimg.org/5h4dy7nbl/chinchou.png[/img]Sold insta

    chinchouu.png99k insta

    lanturne.png200k insta

    staryu.png150k insta

    magnemite.pnghp: ground magnezones greatest killer ingame starting b.o :200k

    claw.pngmega launcher is coded now starting b.o: 400k


    if you choose the pokemon with insta price you can get it right away . and for the starting b.o pokes it will start a 48h auction for you :Grin:

  4. 301128

    Postby Anduin » Sat Nov 05, 2016 7:40 pm

    301128 I don't get the fuss about guild ladder. You are aware that there are no benefits of beeing in the top ladder pvp guild? It's even good for players who're passionate about PvPing and therefor will go into one of the top PvP guilds, sooner or earlier those guilds will adjust their membership application and all will be regulated by itself.

    my thoughts exactly! i didnt want to start responding to blaze members but you guys are crying like i stole something from you ?

    the same effort that anyone of you was put in pvp was put by us too . some guildes just invite players with high ranking to their guilde. but NO we put the effort in pvp to earn the RESPECT so Put SOME RESPEK ON IT . and fadoka you got some nerve to talk about playing pvp with more then 1 player in the guilde maybe check your guilde before you talk ( i won't tell the name because he's a good friend but we can just ask the staff to check the ip to see who got 2 pvp players).

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