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Posts posted by Seibuza

  1. Re: Ingame BOSS [Deathwing BOSS!!!]


    <r><QUOTE author="Tongol"><s>

    </s><POST content="69674"><s></s>69674<e></e></POST> Just tried Sage with 200h Played. i will try it with 210 again<br/>

    <URL url="https://imgur.com/P9fDL3W"><s></s><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/P9fDL3W.png"><s></e></IMG><e></e></URL><e>



    try with 201 . i think it's always 200+ hours so 201 or so. same counted for the mew quest. 70 evos=> 71 evos for the map</r>

  2. 67578 huft..

    i dont know whats wrong

    i beat lance, owned 146 kanto pokemon, seen 4 legendaries, and 350h + :Frown:



    the man in celadon didnt give me the item :Frown:


    strange... then there must be another requirement for it. maybe server just didn't "realize" you hit 350hrs. try it again like a few hours later or after server rebootet

  3. 67325 seriously 70 evolved pokemon ? [Censored] too much

    btw thank you for the information :thanks:


    i have no idea if this one is a real requirement for it. I just recently heard that you have to go to oak before you go to the old man in celadon (who gives you the map ofc). i think oak triggers the old sea map.


    Note: you need to have 146 Kanto Pokemon caught! + the 4 legends seen.


    Note 2: watch your language please :)

  4. 67220 Maybe the key of the solution is in beginning......


    close. somehow it doesn't work too atm. probably locket due to server instability


    -> correcting myself it works. but i wouldn't recommend to do it atm due the server instability

  5. 67144 Well this morning system hyped people telling to catch it and posting the link with that image and now they change all? Seems pretty unfair to people who were spending hours to find a little clue on where to use old sea map


    no confirmed info IF anything is changed. We'll see...

  6. 67127 yes, me and my friends cant get old sea map from the oldman, he said that: i dont have enough experience :3

    System: Dont try to find Mew ... i dont remember but system said that 2 hours ago



    maybe it was taken out due to some bugs or stuff. we'll have to wait.

  7. 67117 we cant get old sea map now :3


    did you hit the requirements for sure?

    63300 Known requirements for Mew/Quest:

    - 350 Hours played

    - All Kanto Pokemon Caught (+ legendary birds + mewtwo seen) + 70 Pokes Evolved in Pokedex*

    - Dragon Membership (costs 200k at blackthorn, so johto unlocked probably is a requirement), you need Dragon Ms to enter Dragons Den B1f (need to register 240 Pokes in your Pokedex and fight Dragonite)

    - Johto e4 + Red finished (just a guess) <<--not sure about this one

  8. 67045 I've never noticed that before!gg man.

    Thank you Seibuza for this guide, will avoid a lot of spamming questions about mew via chat and pm!


    See you on streets :Cool:


    well it's a dead end. atleast for me :/

    67042 someone update it,,

    :Smile: good job mate :y:


    "someone" is me ;) but thanks

  9. You should ban rain teams on pvp, like Nintendo did. Now everybody is using the same team and battles are not funny anymore.


    get lapras with water absorb-> thunder-> problem solved

  10. 66967 I read the guide from seibuza (exellent guide) but i don't see at some who have to give the old sea map ?


    thanks :) . at some point i really have now no idea. i searched most places but have no clue where to actually get to the island...

    66857 @warrek where you exchange old sea map to ticket far away,.? please share,


    except for one guild and the staff we don't know how we have to proceed after my 6th point of the guide. If you find anything out let me know so i can finsih this guide :)

    66981 Image :Crazy:


    really nice guide

    I could follow your steps really easy :y:


    classic south park. thanks for the feedback. I really appriciate that. It's my first guide, i hope everyone can understand how it works.

  11. 66778 these three man make me wonder something, why they have same exact J in the first letter of their name, I think that GM done is might trying to give us some hints or not.However, maybe they just block there just for not letting us to across in other possiblility.



    where is that?

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