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Posts posted by Smokedz

  1. *I'm going to try an answer with as much accuracy as possible, without being admin/mod/GM or anything, just a regular player of Blue Server, who knows spanish and knows that staff probably doesn't*


    Syriuz, hay un tema en el foro que tiene los problemas comunes para Android: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=16180 te recomiendo que intentes seguir este tutorial.


    Como experiencia personal, yo tampoco pude jugarlo en mi android, también se me quedaba pegado en "loading hats, hats did I say hats?" y es porque algunos celulares no traen la opción "ART" para el runtime, por lo menos my Samsung Galaxy S4 no lo tiene, y por tanto, no puedo jugar en el celular.


    Saludos, espero que te haya servido.


    Por ultimo, intenta hablar en inglés ya que nadie del staff te podrá ayudar en español.

    *If any mod wants to know what I just told him, may PM me in order to translate what I just wrote, greetings."

    edit: minor spelling mistakes.

  2. Howdy everyone!

    To be completely honest, I didn't want to use the forum until they fixed the avatar thingy :P, anyways...

    IN GAME NAME: Smokedz

    HOURS PLAYED: 81hrs so far

    BADGES: 8, just finished Kanto's gyms.

    ABOUT YOURSELF: I'm a 23 year old Chilean university student, got to know this amazing game a few weeks ago but couldn't really play until Blue server started and got me pretty hooked up.

    WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE POKEMON? If I had to choose it'd have to be Murkrow, so kewl :Cool:


    See ya ingame! :Smile:


    edit: Well, after a week no response, still gonna edit the following info:

    Now 134hrs gameplay; 16 badges obtained.

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