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Posts posted by Kumapx0

  1. Done and finished , anything else ?  ...          And maybe make shiny chance 1/10 ?     😄

    Its not easy and it takes time to create things in this game .  They have many tasks . 

  2. Its not hard to get good ivs if ur rich .         Just gotta have some luck , This game is all RNG  , u can have first few rolls good ivs or after 20 rolls.
    Doesnt make the game bad , what makes the game bad is to much wishes like these that are not really needed lol.

  3. While im always in trade chat looking out , if someone posts in guild chat , i dont see it and he gets no answer.

    That makes discord a must for communication - since guild chat is usless right now .

    Make it somehow that it is noticable if there is a message posted in that channel only please.

    I hate ***** discord since evryone wants and needs it these days. Please make this game not discord dependant

  4. I bought the new Halloween cosmetics Shiny chandelure and normal one .

    And since it should be a fire . Couldnt u make it animated in the future ?  Like that the fire is moving and really burning , or at least a bit of smoke lol . Cause it really just moves a little bit while walking.

    Is it impossible to make that it constantly moves and burns ?           21412421.PNG.2b80559aa12652f101981deeb68ffd19.PNG      

  5.  Wouldnt u find it better that shinys appear in a golden name  - or yellow

    I feel like purple doesnt really represent the rarity of the Shiny pokes .                   I mean Halloween is red . Shouldnt it be purple - Cause its kind of shady and dark .         Summer pokes Red cause its hot summer.

    Pink valentine is perfect.         And so on .

    People usually see the color gold as expensive and valueble so why not .

  6. So basically u asking staff to give u free CC cause u got 2,7k suscribers. And want to do giveaways to ur subscribers... Hmmm Doesnt sound fair to other players with you just getting free CC .

    Why dont u buy it urself and still give it to UR subscribers so UR channel grows.

    Those subscribers u have already play this game most likely ,  i dont think anyone will give  u any partner ship unless u have 100k + followers anyways .


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  7. Would it be a bad suggestion if we could lock our poke slots so we always just carry 1-6 pokes by our choice ?

    I use for hunting just 2 pokes , sync and false swiper sleeper.  Sometimes i want to keep it that way  and it feels better not to have a full team.
         Maybe u could add a option , with double clicking the Poke icon to lock/unlock it.


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