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Posts posted by Anurag2006

  1. I am 16 years old from new delhi, india.

    I started pvp not a long time ago, my highest pvp rating is thus 130 something.

    My playtime is 300+ hours and i play 2-3 hours daily.

    Other than rating i can help anyone who is in an urgent need of any type of help, financial, advices etc.

    My discord id is Dr. BlueBerry#4236


    Don't mind my ign its my lil brother's

  2. This suggestion was already made a few times and always denied with the reason that the card is already too packed. This time I denied it without reason as I gave an explanation already.


    Here you said it was suggested multiple times so you guys are implementing it, does this means if we keep suggesting hp thing it will be implemented somehow someday? :worryyes:

  3. I don't think this suggestion is possible. Just think how the drag and drop from party works, it writes a [Poke1-6] depending on the position, and that is simple. Now how would the game work when dragging from pc? I do not think it would be worth to add for the amount of work to make this it would take. Rather more functioning moves and abilities like we are getting now.

    That's a problem too. But something related to making hp viewing easier should be added.

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