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Posts posted by Giorgio25

  1. I would suggest to add the possibility to use mounts and bikes on Desert Cave, Maniac Tunnel and Amity Square:PikaLurk:


    Desert Cave is a cave and mounts are usually rideable in this kind of places.

    Maniac Tunnel is a shortcut between Solaceon Town and Route 214, I think we should be able to use mounts in shortcuts.

    Amity Square is an open air space and it'll be cooler to visit that place using a mount.

  2. What is your Discord tag?




    How often do you use Discord?

    Almost 24/7 :PikaLurk:


    If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be?

    Bring back ?eta command:PiplupCry: and add a bug resolution center channel for mapping bugs and npc&scripting bugs

  3. I had not logged on since Halloween and now all my boxes are empty. I checked them all. I can see in the Pokedex roughly which Pokemon I used to have. This limbo with progress in Johto without my Pokemon is just not chill.

    Hi :Grin:

    I read that you are in Johto, are you trying to use the pc located in National Park Stop House 1?

    This pc has never worked and always shows empty boxes.

  4. There is already an Android version of PRO, you can download it here.

    As stated in Read This Before Making A Suggestion:

    iOS or Windows phone client for PRO

    Not possible, unless Apple opens up their OS development to 3rd party applications. Furthermore, iOS doesn't have enough resources to let PRO work on it.

    A client for Windows phones would need a suitable device to test on, would add time to update releases and the amount of people who would use it would be far too few to outweigh the added resources needed to make it a viable addition.

  5. But it would be good if they have anything else other than Pokemons as third time rewards. Or pokemons which are not catchable in game. Don't you think the reward pokemons you've kept too common for boss rewards. Good luck :)

    However, it would be good if you change marley's reward and add some uncatchable pokemon .

    I totally agree with you guys but I don't have a great imagination :sweat_smile:, if you think there are other useful rewards, you could write them below, I would really appreciate that!

  6. Since there are only few Bosses in Sinnoh, it would be cool to have more; my suggestion is to implement the Stat Trainers as Bosses. (Everything is obviously to the Staff liking, mine is just a concept)




    Location: Eterna Forest

    Cooldown: 12 Days

    Requirement/s: Sinnoh Champion


    CGqO2aN.pngWobbuffet, Shadow Tag (Counter, Mirror Coat, Safeguard, Encore)

    DWye988.pngDrifblim, Aftermath (Protect, Toxic, Ominous Wind, Fly)

    iYkhxLz.pngHariyama, Thick Fat (Stone Edge, Bullet Punch, Close Combat, Earthquake)

    gWc0sGu.pngWailord, Water Veil (Avalanche, Earthquake, Water Spout, Brine)

    kUsdWDg.pngBlissey, Natural Cure (Counter, Softboiled, Psychic, Toxic)

    JJUi12u.pngAlomomola, Regenerator (Wish, Protect, Scald, Knock Off)

    Possible Reward/s: $10000-30000, 5x HP Up, 5x PP Up, 5x Rare Candy, Lucky Punch, Soothe Bell, Wynaut, Drifloon, Makuhita, Wailmer, Chansey, Alomomola, etc...

    Third Time Reward? Yes

    ✭✭✭ Drifloon, Alomomola, Chansey





    Location: Iron Island

    Cooldown: 12 Days

    Requirement/s: Sinnoh Champion


    iot0AUT.pngAbsol, Pressure (Swords Dance, Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Quick Attack)

    TuRF1Rs.pngUrsaring, Guts (Slash, Avalanche, Shadow Claw, Aerial Ace)

    6fAfEiM.pngMetagross, Clear Body (Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Hammer Arm, Bullet Punch)

    qgKTFpR.pngSalamence, Intimidate (Dragon Claw, Crunch, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang)

    pcUU9m5.pngLucario, Steadfast (Close Combat, Blaze Kick, Extreme Speed, Bone Rush)

    dqs2ezj.pngM. Heracross, Skill Link (Close Combat, Pin Missile, Rock Blast, Swords Dance)

    Possible Reward/s: $10000-30000, 5x Protein, 5x PP Up, 5x Rare Candy, Muscle Band, Choice Band, Life Orb, Absol, Teddiursa, Beldum, Bagon, Riolu, Heracross, etc...

    Third Time Reward? Yes

    ✭✭✭ Beldum, Bagon, Riolu





    Location: Stark Mountain

    Cooldown: 12 Days

    Requirement/s: Sinnoh Champion


    3fh68gy.pngShuckle, Sturdy (Toxic, Protect, Sandstorm, Rest)

    X7FgdAd.pngUmbreon, Synchronize (Dark Pulse, Confuse Ray, Double Team, Psychic)

    dd9Dxig.pngTorkoal, White Smoke (Protect, Will-O-Wisp, Earthquake, Eruption)

    Mboe6fj.pngDusknoir, Pressure (Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Shadow Ball)

    tjFKqR1.pngClaydol, Levitate (Psychic, Earth Power, Calm Mind, Ancient Power)

    VeVf2Z6.pngM. Steelix, Sand Force (Stealth Rock, Heavy Slam, Earthquake, Toxic)

    Possible Reward/s: $10000-30000, 5x Iron, 5x Zinc, 5x PP Up, 5x Rare Candy, Assault Vest, Eviolite, Shuckle, Eevee, Torkoal, Duskull, Baltoy, Onix, etc...

    Third Time Reward? Yes

    ✭✭✭ Eevee, Duskull, Baltoy





    Location: Wayward Cave

    Cooldown: 12 Days

    Requirement/s: Sinnoh Champion


    ixdZxCY.pngPorygon-Z, Adaptability (Tri Attack, Dark Pulse, Psychic, Thunderbolt)

    I7nkikd.pngGengar, Levitate (Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Sludge Bomb, Psychic)

    JUqeCSc.pngMagnezone, Magnet Pull (Flash Cannon, Hyper Beam, Thunder Wave, Thunder)

    516Yrd1.pngTogekiss, Hustle (Aura Sphere, Extreme Speed, Psychic, Air Slash)

    yjcT0my.pngAlakazam, Synchronize (Focus Blast, Calm Mind, Psychic, Hyper Beam)

    5Htuy1K.pngM. Ampharos, Mold Breaker (Agility, Thunderbolt, Dragon Pulse, Focus Blast)

    Possible Reward/s: $10000-30000, 5x Calcium, 5x PP Up, 5x Rare Candy, Wise Glasses, Choice Specs, Life Orb, Porygon, Gastly, Magnemite, Togepi, Abra, Mareep, etc...

    Third Time Reward? Yes

    ✭✭✭ Porygon, Togepi, Abra





    Location: Victory Road

    Cooldown: 12 Days

    Requirement/s: Sinnoh Champion


    rhzgQKq.pngNinjask, Speed Boost (Swords Dance, Aerial Ace, X-Scissor, Slash)

    1UMspzt.pngElectrode, Soundproof (Double Team, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Hyper Beam)

    knfgpBg.pngCrobat, Inner Focus (Double Team, Confuse Ray, Air Slash, Poison Fang)

    UjgLzye.pngWeavile, Pressure (Ice Punch, Aerial Ace, Night Slash, Ice Shard)

    aHRpjMW.pngArcanine, Intimidate (Flare Blitz, Extreme Speed, Thunder Fang, Crunch)

    5dUZgy0.pngM. Aerodatyl, Tough Claws (Stone Edge, Wing Attack, Earthquake, Pursuit)

    Possible Reward/s: $10000-30000, 5x Carbos, 5x PP Up, 5x Rare Candy, Choice Scarf, Nincada, Voltorb, Zubat, Sneasel, Growlithe, Aerodactyl, etc...

    Third Time Reward? Yes

    ✭✭✭ Sneasel, Aerodactyl, Growlithe


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  7. Are you sure you logged in the right server?

    Currently there are three servers: Red, Blue and Yellow.

    After the latest update, the Yellow Server (the youngest one) has become the default server, you can try to log in the Red Server (the oldest one)

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