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Posts posted by Tymerod

  1. Hi, i experienced a bug in combination with stealth rock.

    I used a clefable against my enemys Gyaradosh (moxie) and wanted to safe my clefable for later. So i switched in my Gyarados which died to stealth rock. This was bugged with the grafic bug in double switching in and double dieing.

    After that i switched in my mamoswine to kill gyaradosh with ice shard (prio +1). But instead of executing the attack my mamoswine was switched out and switched in again and as the result it had to take the enemy attack while not attacking itself resulting in a loss for me.

  2. 232513 ...

    The only solution I can think of, is a serie of tutorial videos for beginners in PRO, I was actually thinking about doing this myself even english is not my native language, and i already saw someone that was about to start a walktrough of PRO, not sure if it's gonna help for basic questions tho...


    The game guide section is full of vids and explanations. It's just the missing link to the game guide section every minute or so.

    And imo PVP is just too big to be talked in help chat. Maybe just rename the "Battle"-chat to "PVP"-chat or seperate the help chat into PVP and PVE+general

  3. 1. dragon dance

    2. aqua tail till we get waterfall

    3. earthquake to counter electric switch ins like magnezone or lanturn (if im correct u outspeed all available electrics at +1 DD)

    4. ice fang takes care of grass type switch ins like tangrowth or venusaur and dragon types like dragonite or garchomp

  4. ------------------------------------------

    Report Form


    Move: Thief

    Explanation (Bugged): u can steal items even if your pokemon is already holding an item

    Description of Bug/ Not Code: My enemy used thief with crobat against multiple pokemon of mine stealing leftovers. Additionally it didnt change the item held by crobat.

    How it should be: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Thief_(move)

    Thief inflicts damage and has a high chance of stealing the target's held item if it is holding any. If the target is not holding an item or the user is already holding an item, Thief cannot steal an item. Held Mail cannot be stolen. The item cannot be stolen if the target has the Sticky Hold Ability.

    description ingame is already correct

    Evidence (video/ others):


  5. 217123


    without stats boost move, shadow tag gothitelle is just like a trash and would not be able to trap any pokemon even slowbro


    ur suggest is just like banning dragon dance from dragonite, gyrados, just leading a pokemon to disappear in pvp


    i doubt that a pokemon with 350 SpDef at max investment, access to taunt to avoid calm mind/slack off/status and access to thunderbold/dark puls cant handle a trapped defensive wall like slowbro.


    And its not like banning DD for setup sweeper. The difference is u can switch in a pokemon with unaware (ok not working right now, thats the reason tank sweeper are used a lot lately) or with haze/status/super effective prio moves/resistances to intercept the boosting. But getting to +6 for free with 95% HP left is toxic!!!

    217136 I strongly disapprove this proposal. In addition to what Danny said, it would add to the boredom of PVP to enforce such a rule. Imagine a Blissey vs Gothithelle fight, without Gothi buffs. MUCH FUN !! (wow)


    If you guys wanna avoid Gothithelle, stop massively using walls. I just beat a guy named Doikon-something, he had such a stupid boring team -> Donphan, Sableye (can recover), Arcanine (def set, can recover), Slowbro (recovers on switch), Snorlax(can recover), Blissey (can recover). Come on, whats the point? The only way win issue is extremly time-consuming and 100% based on life stalling & curselax to finish the work lategame. What would it have been if I have had a similar team? Again, as already mentioned several times: a very long boring battle.


    I really have seen enough of that crop, long live Gothithelle. I am gonna hunt one myself. Cheers.


    To summarize -> Don't try to be fair with some "rules" if its only going one way. Plus, it's not the problem. There are just some items lacking.


    its funny u are using a special attacker against a special wall as an argument. Arent special walls build to tank special attackers?

    And yes i know the team comb. I played against similar combs a lot. And as someone not having access to 5 of the mentioned 6 pokes (only have an arcanine) and not having gothitelle too these combs are a pain in the *** to play against. I prefer playing against the tanksweeper or rain+hurricane combs because u lose way faster. But that doesnt change the fact that boosting a pokemon to +6 without counterplay is toxic and imo should not be allowed.

    And yes content is missing. But whereas the missing content will heavily influence the strength of recover stall combs, they arent influencing the strength of trapping in combination with boosting. And Gothitelle isnt only countering the mentioned team comb. It can counter every team comb as long as it has 1 favourable match up to abuse.

  6. I want to suggest a rule regarding trapping because of the ongoing discussion about shadow tag.



    Pokemon with the abilities magnet pull, shadow tag and arena trap arent allowed to use stat-boosting moves nor encore



    The abilities magnet pull, shadow tag and arena trap allow u to trap and (revenge-)kill a specific pokemon. All abilities are strong by themselves because u can get a number advantage if executed correctly. Because there is no counterplay besides moves like u-turn, volt switch or baton pass the mechanic can be very annoying. While trapping itself isnt a toxic mechanic the combination with mechanics like stat-boosting and healing is, because u normally try to use the trapper in a favorable match-up. In these situations being able to boost your stats for free can easily result in a sweep of multiple pokemons with little to no counterplay.

    The rule limites the power of trapping by abusing a favorable matchup without killing the mechanic itself. The nerf is directed to shadow tag in particular because magnet pull and arena trap users arent using boosting moves in their common sets and are more offensive oriented. Encore is banned for those pokemon to add more counterplay through mindgames against mirror coat/counter users like wobbuffet.

    If the rule isnt strong enough a ban of healing moves can be added. But without boosted defensive stats healing moves are already weaker (e.g. gothitelle cant just use rest at +0 and wait out the sleep turns). In this case a RestTalk set should be looked at seperatly because it consumes to move slots and has only a 66% chance to hit without letting u choose the move.

    This rule has the advantage over a ban of one ability/pokemon, because strong abilities are in most cases compensated by weaker stats (not counting megas) leaving the pokemon useless without it (who would use a wobbuffet with telepathy in an open pvp format?). Also the mechanic adds counterplay to other strong mechanics balancing the whole game.

  7. is sucker punch bugged or does it have wrong prio?

    I was able to outspeed sucker punch with +1 prio moves and extreme speed the last few days resulting in a failed sucker punch for my enemy

  8. Re: Tymerod's Pokestore (Gyarados, Mr. Mime, Pikas, ...)


    <r>vacation is over

    <QUOTE author="LordFlorenz"><s>

    </s><POST content="196065"><s></s>196065<e></e></POST> 20k for meowth s<e>

    i decided to keep it for me<br/>


    <QUOTE author="Tro11z"><s>

    </s><POST content="196068"><s></s>196068<e></e></POST> 40k for shiny wingull<e>

    are u still interested?<br/>


    <QUOTE author="LordFlorenz"><s>

    </s><POST content="196093"><s></s>196093<e></e></POST> 100k mr mime<e>

    are u still interested?</r>

  9. 208266 Uhm... Banning... Hazards? :/ uhm...

    it was brought up with a valid argument (tm defog missing) but i added the counter arguments too.


    Interesting points. I dont really agree on banning regen yet thought. It is very strong but i dont think its a must use it yourself or lose the game type of thing like some legendarys would be if they were available and allowed. I dont really mind shadow tag gone however i still think if you build your team correctly and lose 1 pokemon to goth you still have basically a 5v5 since his goth cant do anything to other pokemon once you are built to face it/know opponent has it. This wouldnt be the case if choice scarf was a thing and goth could just proceed to sweep with scarf after +6.

    This whole discussion is heavily biased because we have different playstyles, play against different enemies and in different ratings. And reading the last 15 pages i got the feeling the goal improving the pvp experience for everyone (and maybe improve variaty in gameplay with the given content) got lost. Just because some1 is experiancing stuff ingame doesnt mean its the truth.

    I dont like a hard ban on Regenerator or Shadowtag too. That's the reason i added alternatives.

    If i follow the discussion i see the problem in the first case in the combination of regen Slowbro and natural cure Blissey while u cant trap Slowbro with pursuit. And in the second case its the combination with trapping and setting up and switching out for free (no pursuit) after the kill. choice items dont matter for gothitelle because of lock in -> cant use setup and dmg moves. So in both cases pursuit will improve gameplay, choice items and life orb not neseccarily because of recoil and lock in.

    IMO if we leave the route of hard ban Yes/No and try to find more alternatives we may find solutions better than smogon.

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