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Posts posted by Pikpachu

  1. well anyway that was a secondary subject of this post to begin with the primary was about the legendary recatch event or whatever u might have thought about. Lets stick to that for now.


    I thought that "Nikola Boss" was to get a retry in catching the said Legendary if you got disconnected or blacked out, and that if you accidentally released the said Pokémon that you would have to leave a post in Restore Pokemon Megathread but then if it was released prior to and from that date that it isn't able to get the said Pokémon back due to the server not having them.


    What do I need to do after I post?

    You only need to wait, an Administrator will reply after the pokemon is successfully restored.


    What if I don't have any screenshot, or if I don't remember ID?

    In this case unfortunately, we can't do anything for you. Administrator needs a proof to be able to restore your Pokemon.


    I accidentally released my Pokemon three months ago, can I get it back?

    Recently released Pokemon can be restored. There is a cooldown for them to be restored so you need to request as soon as possible in order to restore it.


    So, if the said Pokémon was released earlier than from when the incident happened I don't think Boss Nikola would have it in his "re-battle" (re-obtain) list. :D:

    No after i was told no iv/nature reoll will be added i had nth to lose with a bad iv/nature legendary so i tossed it on purpose to check if i can trigger this way nikola boss. It didnt trigger it but since it was useless i didnt care. But despite saying that staff added these 2features so i could fix mine. if restore isnt possible for such cases as u said i only need a not usable one (like lax nature and ivs 10 or less) and i will try with the means we have now to fix it. This problem i bet isnt a solo case but a few players have it.

  2. no i didnt ask you to remove owning celebi but remove having it in the team . In older discussions it was mentioned by admins iv/nature reroll will never be added and in fact it was stated ingame by admin red. So in order to pass my time back then i tossed my totally useless celebi to test if it trigger nikola boss recatch. After 1year u add iv/nature reroll and then u even add a boss that required especially celebi :(

  3. i see what u mean and thank you for your quick reply but since you are focused on x-mas event i guess it would be long time before we get this chance. Having the new boss released that requires using a celebi when some players including me aren't able to do this boss for now. So i would suggest on that my primar thesis on the matter or at least change the requirement to having fought/cought celebi and not using in team. Ty in advance.

  4. According to what GM said https://gyazo.com/0f5586d91162638157c835bc052dc32d there is a thought of adding faction about recatching legendary. I'm sure this might be a great idea at 1st sight but when you do this in order to help players who lost/tossed or whatever their legendary there will be people who will harash this fuction to dodge the iv/nature reoll system you already implemented. In my opinion you should give to anyone who doesnt have a legendary he caught anymore (a new/refund the same) with bad ivs/nature so that he cant use it for pvp reason as it is. Moreover, if you add this people will start complain if it's about 1 time ,2times ,3 times or unlimited times and you will bring a big headache to yr team for no reason. Thank you for reading this. I know many of you don't like me but please stop ignore logic.

  5. The problem in my opinion isn't the number of staff members. The problem is that there is lack of control on staff doings and they are making staff out of likeliness and not because of ideas,time spending on helping game and other important factors. When u want to increase the staff number u have to take many different people with different ideas so as to get a maximum variety before u get a decision over everything. When being staff means to follow whatever the higher in charge members say blindly then you shouldn't be a staff.

  6. Since i see most of the answers include the reward I 've already said that we cant propose something specific if we go abide the rules at least, but as a guide i could advise staff on picking a reward that will trigger not pvp players join pvp. According to the merge announced by Red if we combine this idea and the merge the outcome on that pvp season will be extravaggant and i think it's worth a shot.

  7. we cant ask for specific rewards cause it will be proclaimed as selfish proposal. Staff can find a solution over the reward. The point is to implement something to boost guild pvp affiction. Being in a guild at the moment is not even worthy or essential cause most pvpers dont exp their poke but buy them or pay for daycare service.

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