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Posts posted by Daeon

  1. 353800
    353695 I accidentally released my poliwag I had caught.. I took a screenshot of the pokemon with its ID:, however because I was releasing so many of them I didnt catch it in the chat box of the moment it was let go. It was roughly 5 minutes ago. If I could somehow get it back I would very much appreciate it. :Grin:


    Here is a picture of the pokemon when I looked at its stats:




    Can I ask are you restoring this to the account Snakek or Liquidsnakek?

    SnakeK. LiquidsnakeK is the name I use solely for the forums. Thanks for the response.


    Please check the last pokemon in your box.

  2. 353695 I accidentally released my poliwag I had caught.. I took a screenshot of the pokemon with its ID:, however because I was releasing so many of them I didnt catch it in the chat box of the moment it was let go. It was roughly 5 minutes ago. If I could somehow get it back I would very much appreciate it. :Grin:


    Here is a picture of the pokemon when I looked at its stats:




    Can I ask are you restoring this to the account Snakek or Liquidsnakek?

  3. 349519 glAYwuw.gif <- Kyogre mount



    every other pvp mount has trails


    We can put it forward, however it will require an update to implement as this includes implementing a new model - but I don't see why I can't put it forward to the art team for you.


    351812 Even without traits , she's the best of all pvp's mount, reworking older one (i mean by that birds one) wich are ugly and feel like they were done by a 8yo kids on paint (especially you zapdos , with your beautiful legs while others got a neck long as a bridge ) would be better , or just implementing news one , got nothing to do with my pvp coins left personally(after buying mounts,cloak and [Censored]) except buying masterball to rush the mineral's exca lol .


    Dude, language. Secondly, we won't revamp the models themselves, unless the art team is happy to do this. We will hopefully have more added in the future, however just be aware that we are a little short on hands at the moment as Greinjack is away and Maribela has left to return to work, so our only active artist at the moment is Higana. Because of this, new art related projects will be slow, however new things are always being worked on and ideas are always being thrown around.

  4. 348920


    There have been delays due to some conflicts with contact between opponents, I will try to contact these Players until 20:00GMT today. If I receive no response I will enter another draw phase like at the end of the last Round in order to fill the bracket.




    There has been ongoing conflicts with contact, unfortunately none of these have come to a final outcome. I do apologise for the inconvenience caused by this, and for the delay.


    As none of these participants have been able to arrange a battle, I will need to do a coin flip to choose who proceeds to the next round.



    Somes and Beerussama will continue to next round. Apologies to Infragganty and Nicksupergod.



    There have been delays due to some conflicts with contact between opponents, I will try to contact these Players until 20:00GMT today. If I receive no response I will enter another draw phase like at the end of the last Round in order to fill the bracket.




    There has been ongoing conflicts with contact, unfortunately none of these have come to a final outcome. I do apologise for the inconvenience caused by this, and for the delay.



    There have been delays due to some conflicts with contact between opponents, I will try to contact these Players until 20:00GMT today. If I receive no response I will enter another draw phase like at the end of the last Round in order to fill the bracket.

  7. 346000 Round Two has ended.


    I have updated the Brackets - however I have been unable to contact the following Players, therefore they have been disqualified as there has been absolutely no contact throughout this Round whatsoever:

    • Tatsumichan
    • Nicklauda
    • Ewitsallsticky
    • Fongsaiyuk


    In order to maintain a proper order throughout the Tournament, I will be holding a random draw to give a second chance to other Players.

    This applies to Players who have battled in Round One and won their first round, but lost in Round Two.

    There is one spot available in Red, and one spot available in Blue. The following Players will be offered a second chance opportunity, I will contact them and ask them if they are happy to continue in the Tournament, if so, I will number them, and have a random draw (which I will provide proof of).

    They will have 24 hours to reply (Deadline: 4th Feb 20:00GMT), if they do not it will be an assumed no and they will not be added to the draw.

    • Wolfdgod
      Darudeameno Y
      Nonameboy Y
      Fadoka Y
      Bladermagician Y
      Fantasmao Y



    No response was made from Wolfdgod, Fish, Jonathanjazz, Encrush or Aimansan for Red. I also received no response from H1dd.

    Therefore, for Blue, Fantasmao will automatically replace Ewitsallsticky/Fongsaiyuk in Round Three.


    For Red, I've numbered the participants in order I wrote them in this previous post so:

    1. Darudeameno.

    2. Nonameboy.

    3. Fadoka.

    4. BladerMagician.


    As seen above, Fadoka will be taking the place of Nicklauda/Tatsumichan.


    I will update the tournament Bracket to reflect these changes.


    Round Three will also begin now, and will end in 4 days on 8th February 2017 at 20:00GMT.

  8. Round Two has ended.


    I have updated the Brackets - however I have been unable to contact the following Players, therefore they have been disqualified as there has been absolutely no contact throughout this Round whatsoever:

    • Tatsumichan
    • Nicklauda
    • Ewitsallsticky
    • Fongsaiyuk


    In order to maintain a proper order throughout the Tournament, I will be holding a random draw to give a second chance to other Players.

    This applies to Players who have battled in Round One and won their first round, but lost in Round Two.

    There is one spot available in Red, and one spot available in Blue. The following Players will be offered a second chance opportunity, I will contact them and ask them if they are happy to continue in the Tournament, if so, I will number them, and have a random draw (which I will provide proof of).

    They will have 24 hours to reply (Deadline: 4th Feb 20:00GMT), if they do not it will be an assumed no and they will not be added to the draw.

    • Wolfdgod
      Darudeameno Y
      Nonameboy Y
      Fadoka Y
      Bladermagician Y
      Fantasmao Y

  9. 345320 Well from what I've seen around ingame. Many pvpers that I talked to actually agreed with me about suggesting few things. These things will be very important and in my opinion it could actually make the game greater.


    From these stuff:


    1- Pokes that will eventually change the meta. We are all waiting Sinnoh and we expect a lot of new pokemon especially Rotom forms and more 5th-6th generation pokes. With the great events/maps and updates that we will have eventually.


    2- Another very important thing is the Pre-evo move tutor. It's an npc that simply teaches the moves you missed from pre evolutions that only the pre evolutions are able to learn them. For example if your mamoswine missed iceshard , you will never be able to teach it again because it's only a swinub move. And that would be the important role of that npc which is actually easier than egg move npc that was already implemented :Crazy:


    We hope these stuff are taken in consideration because its a really important and helpful for pvpers and all players in the game.


    :thanks: for all the efforts.


    I've bookmarked this thread. I'll put it forward.


    In regards to your point about Pokemon that will changing the Meta, would you mind opening a topic in the PvP forum for open discussion about this. Give us some ideas on what you want to see, what do YOU guys want.

    Plus those topics are always fun to read.

  10. 344706 Hi,


    by accident i released the wrong pokemon from my party, cant say if it was due to lag or an honest mistake by me. Is there a way to retrieve it? I screenshoted the System message with the ID. imgur.com/a/7e9cQ Vaporeon Lvl 100 ID 20765342

    Thank in advance!


    You may log back in again now.

    Please check the last Pokemon in your box!

  11. 343433 mmmmh


    my opponent for the second round is banned




    what can i do ?


    If you opponent is banned or otherwise unavailable, this means you will automatically win the Round.

    343645 My opponent for the second round is still missing.

    I will be issuing ingame and forum reminders later today.

    343834 Due to players' availability and timezone issues, I am going to forfeit my match.

    My opponent can only battle after 10PM. This translates to 2AM for me. Yeh...


    If anything, my round 1 opponent may take my place since they both have the same timezone.

    Will make a note of this, however I cannot fast forward anyone back into the Tournament.

  12. Round One has ended.


    Bracket has been updated. I am awaiting details in regards to whether or not contact was made in regards to two lots of opponents as they have not battled. This affects two Players in Round Two:

    Zinsmiter RED

    Enforcer RED


    If contact is not made in regards to these when Round Two begins tomorrow at 8PM GMT, I will have to make edits to the Red Server Tournament to allow for this. Please do not battle before Round Two starts, just in-case this means that I have to reseed the entire bracket which will result in you fighting a new opponent.


    Yellow and Blue Server are fine, you may seek your opponent for Round Two. Those who were automatically played in Round Two and have battled already, you will need to wait for Round Three.


    EDIT: Have been able to fix the issue by sourcing the Players. You may begin with Round Two.

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