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Posts posted by Daeon

  1. 326698 Hello everyone :Shy: . i am so clueless as to how to contact a staff member so i'm asking here. i want to start streaming PRO, well i already did and in-fact 2 people who viewed my channel had no idea this game existed, installed it and started playing. so, this is my question. Is it really ok to stream PRO on twitch? It is not in twitch listed games and i don't want to put a false title on my channel to click bait people that is dishonest. If it is ok can you guys please request for it to be added to twitch? or how will i go about showing the world your awesome game? please let me know. i'm sorry if i have said anything wrong in this post. i have no clue hence my asking. Thanks for reading and for your time, please reply to me ASAP. Have a nice day everyone and happy hunting! One Love :Heart:

    We encourage our Players to stream as this strengthens the Community.


    If you would like to advertise in-game, you may post in ALL CHAT only, ONCE every 30 minutes. Please do not abuse this.

    If you would like also, you may post an advertisement for your Twitch/Streaming Channel in this subforum:



    I will leave this topic open for now, so if you have any further questions please do ask.


    Happy Holidays!

  2. I have deleted posts including Inappropriate Content such as foul language.


    This thread is for discussions. This is no longer a discussion. There is no place for toxicity and arguments on this forum, please respect one another's opinion and treat the forum appropriately.

    I have locked the Topic as this line of conversation should now be dropped. Any continuation of the topic in an otherwise toxic manner will result in a forum warning.

  3. 325404 I made the first mission with finding all elves. I win with the boss and i saved Santa. When I get to him, he give to my new mission, I know what I did wrong but can't fix this. I didn't talk to Santa 2 times. I didn't get pet with a beard, but I did get the costume. I put it all presents under the tree, but its still the same. Please help! PS. I'm 100% sure that i put it presents under the tree. ALL presents :Frown: :Frown:


    Check in your backpack under the "Customisation" tab. The item is called "Xmas Hat - Beard"


    If you cannot find this, we will need a CS to check the variables on your account.

  4. 324353 I have 240 owned and 76 evolved, I got disconnected when i am about to click the 240 owned poke reward. Then after i logged in and talked to prize giver, He said "I have nothing else to give for you now, try again later" and i looked on my backpack, i dont see any dragon medallions. :Frown:


    Please fix it, i want to hunt goomies. :Frown:


    I have moved your topic to the appropriate sub-forum so that a Content Scripter can look into the issue for you.

    Can you please post which server you are using?

  5. 320522 ok so i found 5 elves and then went into the cave and found santa. the server went time as i talk him and i got DC.

    When i came back online 15 minutes later i was next to Santa in the cave and i tried to talk to him, he turned for my way but there was no dialoge chat.

    I came back to Master Elf and he told me something like: "Thanks. you found Santa".

    Santa was NOT next to him as people told me he should be. He is still in the cave and i didn't got no hat and nothing. What can I do?


    I have passed both your cases onto the appropriate member of Staff. They will investigate the issue further.

  6. 323628-Snip.

    Put simply, we have already stated reasons that adequately justify the reasons why this has been denied in the past.

    In addition we have clearly stated that it will not be implemented in future.


    Continued discussion will only lead to tails being chased, and further frustration. For this reason I will lock this topic, as there is nothing further to comment.

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