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Posts posted by Neternet

  1. yes I did defeat him three times in arow and I dont thing I have the bell, and I dont know how to get the bell. does it spawn next to it or something cause I didnt check

  2. Hello, I tried battling the Guardian boss for the third time after I won for my third time I dont get the raikou option for the third prize win! 


    Any help would be appreciated, I still haven't collected my prize.


    User: Neternet
    Server: Silver

  3. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)?


    2. Number of hours played?

    - 890

    3. What's your favorite Pokemon?

    - electivire-rayquaza

    4. How old are you?

    - 19

    5,what do i enjoy

    -Am trying to build a team for good pvp battles so for now i whould say hunting

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