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Posts posted by Archina

  1. 238363
    238351 I have been looking around and I can't find the powerplant in kanto, will someone tell me/link me a guide on how to find it? I need to find someone for fly

    Power Plant need surf at the route before you go to Pokemon centre at near rock tunnel.


    --Moved to proper place--


    I have surf but where do I surf?

    Go to Route 10 (two maps east of Cerulean City), then you use surf at the top of the map and surf around the fence to reach the Power Plant.

  2. 237057Maybe have player battles provide EXP but not EVs? Trainer battles sound like a really fun way to level up your Pokemon while providing a social aspect to the game. When you battle trainers, you'd only be focusing on how to beat that player rather than make it feel like a repetitive grind.

    I can already imagine players getting level 100s within minutes when their friends make them teams of useless Blisseys to grind on (this strategy is already used in ORAS with secret bases full of useless Lv 100 Blisseys.)

    237053 I got a friend who has grinded 250h without membership, has 7 full ev trained pokemons and hasn't complained ONCE. He refuses to pay money into F2P games (and he does right IMO) and he enjoys the game for what it is. If you can't even do that, you're just being lazy.

    So someone spent a bit of extra time to achieve the same goal with zero extra required skill and that alone should invalidate people's feedback towards a game? Nice to know this friend of yours enjoys mindlessly repeating the same action for hundreds of hours on end and then refusing to support the people who allowed his fun to be possible. :Cry:

  3. First and foremost, what do you plan on using it as? (Assuming it'll end up as a Rhyperior) He can cover a couple roles so I'd want to know what your plan to pit him up against before mentioning anything (Def tank, Sp.Def tank, All-out w/ Rock Polish or Support/Rocker?)

  4. 236894
    236887 Though @OP If you want any more options for moves there's always Psyshock (Special wall check), Focus Blast (Steel-type check) and Moonblast (STAB Fairy-type move.)


    Yeah nice joke. Not in PRO so far. :P U forgot hyper voice for pixilate mega. xd


    Do it like soulvaki told u. Garde is missing so many moves atm there arent many options. I would never run hypnosis cause of 55%acc, so no dream eater also.


    What u can do like Archina added, to run psyshock instead of psychic.

    Ah, right. I guess I should do some research as to what moves are actually in the game then. I'm just going from what I've learned from competitive play.

  5. 234306
    234269 You could do calm mind, tbolt, shadow ball, and psychic if you want to go for more of an all out attacker.

    You can't say a mon is an "all ou attacker" when it has a status move.

    234269 You could do calm mind, tbolt, shadow ball, and psychic if you want to go for more of an all out attacker.

    You can't say a mon is an "all ou attacker" when it has a status move.


    Note: "More of an all out attacker" aka almost, but not quite.

    I think the better term to use would be "set-up sweeper". Though @OP If you want any more options for moves there's always Psyshock (Special wall check), Focus Blast (Steel-type check) and Moonblast (STAB Fairy-type move.)

  6. 236839 or just get on a bicycle/on a mount/on water, which makes no poke following you

    ^ This. Though the only time someone challenged me to PvP I just ended up looking at what 'mon was following him and seeing which one of mine would be best to counter it before clicking "Yes" (Funnily enough it was my lead anyway.)

  7. I think the PRO staff can help with that. Unsure who and if they would do it or not though.


    Personally I'd just lurk in Help/All chat, look for a nice, helpful person and PM them asking if they'd help you with the trade. Just remember to screenshot/record the event so if things go wrong you at least have evidence of it (I use Plays.TV to automatically record all my gameplay.)

  8. All Chat helper on Yellow server here. :Ambivalent:


    If anything the thing that bugs me the most is the constant flood of the same questions every few minutes that could have been answered sooner if said players just used Google (questions such as "How do get bike?" and "Where do get cut?") If there was a /faq command that auto-redirected people to a generic game guide (just like the "Buy Coins" button redirects to PayPal) and was mentioned somewhere in the tutorial map I think it'd fix that problem a bit (or at least allow people to reply quicker so they can focus more time on players that need help on a more complicated question.)

  9. To be fair I do understand OP's point in a lot of this. So far I've hit a brick wall for progress 5 times. Only once out of those four could the blame be aimed at myself:


    Sabrina: Used what I felt like and team had a bit of a weakness to psychic-types. Had to level a Snorlax up 20 levels just to stand a chance.

    Giovanni (Gym 8): Underleveled by an unknown amount. Had to grind Snorlax up for a good hour or two just so it wouldn't get 1-shot and hoped it could paralyse with body slam.

    Kanto E4: Underleveled by approx 20-30 levels below the recommended level and couldn't brute-force my way through Lance. Had to catch a decent Magikarp from scratch, give it decent EVs and level it to 75 to beat it.

    Morty: Underleveled by ~10-15 levels. Had to grind out the fishing spot in town until my mons were strong enough to not get 1-shot.

    Claire: Underleveled by a good 20 levels. Currently in the process of grinding in Dragon's Den so I can get back to the story.


    Note: Excluding Sabrina, all the times I hit a dead end I had the membership exp boost and during Morty I had about a day's worth of the other exp boost on as well. All side-quests found have been completed, all maps accessible have been explored to it's fullest (I even found a Trapinch because of that :Grin: )


    The fact that 4/5 times I've been stuck in a situation I can't use wits to get myself out of isn't a challenge. It's frustrating. It feels like Instead of using said wits and having agency in the battle I'm just playing the MMORPG number game as I know I can't use things such as status, items or tactical switching when all my pokémon are getting out-sped and (sometimes close to) 1-shot by the above. What makes matters even worse is that I feel like if I don't use the 'meta' pokémon for clearing the story I'll be hampering my progress even further so that seems to kill the fun even further.


    I don't know about others as I'm not them yet I prefer a challenge that takes skill to overcome. Not a grind-fest that's beaten by how long you spent walking in a patch of grass.

  10. 235885
    235866 Do you have an old rod yet? Getting a magikarp does help in the long run since you'll need help with Sabrina,Blaine and Giovanii.And he single handedly sweeps the Elite four as well


    No I do not. Where do you get it? I've been meaning to get a magicarp?


    Thanks, jolly!


    I can't recall which Pokemon center it's in but one of them has an NPC that gives you a magikarp.

    It's the one outside the entrance to Mt. Moon. A guy will sell you a Magikarp for 1.5k but only once.

  11. 232389 Hello all and thank you for making this great game for all of us to enjoy. I just had a question about the mega evolutions.


    I understand that mega evolutions are not realized in PRO yet though the mega stones are in existence.

    As I understand it, in the original games, you are only allowed to have one mega evolution per team.

    I was wondering what plans the staff had for PRO. Are you going to stick to this one mega per team rule? Or are you going to do things differently?


    Thank you again and I do hope I used the proper forum to post this topic. There didn't seem to be one more appropriate.

    While I may not be a member of staff I think it's safe to assume that when they do add more stones to the game they're going to follow the official game and keep it at one mega per team. The two reasons why I say this is because battle-wise they try to follow the game as closely as possible and because of balance reasons (E.G not allowing players to catch every legendary otherwise everyone would just be using teams full of them.)

  12. Had that problem yesterday. Let's just say I got a bit desperate trying to figure out what was causing it:


    227889It was fine when I was playing last night yet now I can't get in no matter what I do.


    Here's what I've tried:

    Logging in normally (got stuck on the "Loading Map" screen and eventually Alt+F4'd.)

    Logging in and waited out the "Loading Map" screen (eventually the music changed to the title screen music so I assume the game kicked me thinking I was AFK.)

    Closed the client, disabled ethernet adapter, opened the client, re-enabled ethernet adapter, logged in (found that fix online, didn't work.)

    Closed the client, disabled ethernet adapter, opened the client, got some breakfast, re-enabled ethernet adapter, logged in (heard some people need to wait a bit first. Still didn't work.)

    Made a new account and logged in with that (still stuck on "Loading Map")

    Deleted the game and replaced it with fresh files (PRO64_95_42) (here I was thinking the map problem was client-side. Still nothing.)

    Deleted the game and replaced it with fresh 32-bit files (PRO32_95_42) (still not working.)

    Deleted the local game files (ran Regedit, went to HKEY_CURRENT_USER->Software->PROTeam, backed it up, deleted the whole folder then ran the game. Didn't work.)

    Deleted the local game files and logged in on the new account; waiting on the "Loading Map" screen AND IT EVENTUALLY WORKED EVEN IF I GOT KICKED OUT SECONDS LATER.

    Logged back in normally. We're back in boys! :Smile: On Yellow server by the way.


    Also jesus christ I started typing this when there were 9 replies to the thread. Now there's over 230.


  13. 228793 i saw this in red server long time ago



    Shiny, correct ability, useful nature AND an almost perfect IV roll in a game where we can barely manipulate any of this? If you ever see that man/woman again tell them to either buy a few lottery tickers in hopes their luck still remains or wish them that their remaining luck allows them to at least survive long enough 'til the upcoming tragic accident balances the scales once more.

    That **** dwarfs any luck I've ever had in Pokémon. How am I supposed to sleep tonight?

  14. Okay, let's first crunch some Reasonable statistics. Then maybe some Silly ones. Assuming you're using a Synchronise Pokémon and are also looking for the right nature:

    • 1 perfect IV: 1/64
      2 perfect IVs: 1/1,984. 1/59,520 If said IVs are in the places you want.
      3 perfect IVs: 1/61,504. 1/73,80,480 If said IVs are in the places you want.


    So we can already see the chances of getting that is pretty crazy and anyone who wanted to force perfection beyond this is insane. But let's see where that insanity takes us, shall we?

    • 4 perfect IVs: 1/1,906,624. 1/686,384,640 If said IVs are in the places you want.
      5 perfect IVs: 1/59,105,344. 1/42,555,847,680 If said IVs are in the places you want.
      6 perfect IVs: 1/1,832,265,664.


    So it seems the chances of finding a right natured 6IV pokémon are way, way lower than the odds of you winning the Euromillions lottery. Yet you think these numbers couldn't get any more crazy? I dunno. What's the chance of your Syncmon running into the PERFECT shiny pokémon. Oh, you know.. Just a measly 1/15,009,920,319,488 chance (1 in 15 trillion for those who think that's too many numbers.) Anyway that's enough number crunching for me. My head hurts at this point.

    223743 It did didn't it hahaha. Almost 170 hours on the game and still no shiny for me i guess i just never get any love huh

    ..And here I am finding a shiny Ratatta when what I really wanted at the time was a Pidgeoto holding a Nocturnal Feather. Sorry for your luck :Shocked:

  15. It was fine when I was playing last night yet now I can't get in no matter what I do.


    Here's what I've tried:

    • Logging in normally (got stuck on the "Loading Map" screen and eventually Alt+F4'd.)
      Logging in and waited out the "Loading Map" screen (eventually the music changed to the title screen music so I assume the game kicked me thinking I was AFK.)
      Closed the client, disabled ethernet adapter, opened the client, re-enabled ethernet adapter, logged in (found that fix online, didn't work.)
      Closed the client, disabled ethernet adapter, opened the client, got some breakfast, re-enabled ethernet adapter, logged in (heard some people need to wait a bit first. Still didn't work.)
      Made a new account and logged in with that (still stuck on "Loading Map")
      Deleted the game and replaced it with fresh files (PRO64_95_42) (here I was thinking the map problem was client-side. Still nothing.)
      Deleted the game and replaced it with fresh 32-bit files (PRO32_95_42) (still not working.)
      Deleted the local game files (ran Regedit, went to HKEY_CURRENT_USER->Software->PROTeam, backed it up, deleted the whole folder then ran the game. Didn't work.)
      Deleted the local game files and logged in on the new account; waiting on the "Loading Map" screen AND IT EVENTUALLY WORKED EVEN IF I GOT KICKED OUT SECONDS LATER.
      Logged back in normally. We're back in boys! :Smile: On Yellow server by the way.


    Also jesus christ I started typing this when there were 9 replies to the thread. Now there's over 230.

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