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Posts posted by Miles

  1. Re: Miles' Spawn Guide (Routes 5, 6, 38 Swarming!)


    <t>At the moment, I don't have enough time to tackle rarity data and finish anytime soon. I certainly don't look forward to it; I'm scared it'll suck the life and fun out of me. My goal was to create a spawn guide that was three things: complete, updated frequently, and as Ctrl-F friendly as possible. I think, with plenty of generous help, I've accomplished that. However, this is a living guide, so I'll gladly update it with any data submitted (provided it's accurate, of course).<br/>


    If only our Pokedex would give us a general indication of how rare a Pokemon is in different locations. Spawns are one thing, but there's hardly any objective reason to preserve the "mystery" of rarity. It's not the same.</t>

  2. Re: Miles' Spawn Guide (Route 5 + 6 Swarming!)


    <r><QUOTE author="leandruskis"><s>

    </s><POST content="41058"><s></s>41058<e></e></POST> Hey Miles ^^ Here's the info for the Swarm in Route 6<br/>


    Granbull (Swarm) - Land - Morning / Day / Night<br/>

    Growlithe (Swarm) - Land - Morning / Day / Night<br/>

    Houndour (Swarm) - Land - Night<br/>

    Lillipup (Swarm) - Land - Morning / Day / Night<br/>

    Poochyena (Swarm) - Land - Morning / Day / Night<br/>

    Raticate (Swarm) - Land - Morning / Day / Night<br/>

    Rattata (Swarm) - Land - Morning / Day / Night<br/>

    Snubbull (Swarm) - Land - Morning / Day / Night<br/>

    Starly (Swarm) - Land - Day<br/>

    Vulpix (Swarm) - Land - Morning / Day / Night<e>



    Updated! Thanks for the time data.</r>

  3. 41168 Right, or they could check out https://idea.informer.com/ or similiar sites.

    I don't know how this approach would fare as I've only seen something like it in action for staff content planning, not global suggestions, but it feels like a waste of the forums if we rely on third party solutions/tools for something that we can set up here almost as easily. Actually, I think it'd probably be easier for staff to clean up the Suggestions forum because everyone already knows how to use the forums, but they'd have to learn to use those sites. Same goes for normal players.

  4. 41141
    41092 Would be moving suggestions all day...
    If only the amount of effort less than minimal effort wasn't no effort, am I right?
    Well played.

    Say, Pretentious, can you give me a figure of how many seconds it takes you to move a thread to a nearby forum? Because there are 86,400 in a day, and I want to count how many are left if somebody has to move a handful of good community suggestions per day. We'll say five, after the old accepted threads are moved and everything stabilizes, even though it'll probably be less. Assuming the literal worst forum staff ever spends 1/20th (1.2 hours/4,320 seconds) of his or her day on PRO, and one third of that is spent doing forum duties (24 minutes/1,440 seconds)... is anyone actually moving suggestions all day? That's without any help, by the way, so if that one person composed the entire forum staff of PRO, this is how much time it would take to maintain an organized Suggestions forum. If you want, you can deduct from the final amount of time spent in the event that more than one forum mod is doing something other than nothing, but I don't think that's even necessary.


    Just breaking that down took more effort and consideration than Lentz's post. It's downright insulting to offer none in your critique of someone's suggestion where your main focus of criticism is, ironically, effort. In my humble opinion, that's very not okay, especially from staff.


    EDIT: And now you're blaming players, instead of thinking of positive ways to alleviate the issue.

  5. 41015
    410072. It may encourage others to donate more which will help out the PRO community in the end.
    But do you think it's really necessary to divide the community simply to accomplish this? There are better ways to promote donations.
    Well sure there are other ways to promote but look at my first point. I don't mind it and actually like it. Having a donator tag is much more appealing than having a half star.
    I'd rather have half a star, personally. At least I earned it with activity.

    then what is all the money they accumulate from membership fees going to? just seems like to me they're trying to money grub at any opportunity they can that's short of outraging the entire community, & what about that exactly is encouraging me to donate? nothing, especially since as i said in response to the above quote i can get the exact same things they offer you by donating, by spending in game money, which you don't need to spend real world money for lol
    I know cynicism is in your nature, but not everyone thinks that way, and you can't understand altruism if you don't temporarily step out of a cynical frame of mind. As long as the money isn't spent on anything but the game and forum, I don't care how much of it is saved up. I choose to spend real money because if everyone pays with in-game money on a donation-supported game, then eventually the money runs out. Donators are the reason you have the luxury of buying donation items with in-game money instead of spending your real life money.
  6. 41011yes it is lol, you're putting money into something & getting nothing in return

    Game/forum maintenance and upgrades aren't "nothing" though, actually I don't expect anything but that from my donations. Anything else I'm given, like perks, is just a bonus.

  7. What do you think about the new PRO Donator tag and image on the forum?


    I'm not sure where I stand. I don't really want to look special on the forums just because I donated; I feel it creates a visual gap between donators and the free players that we voluntarily support with our donations, and my conscience doesn't agree with that. On the other hand, I can see how other people might think it's no big deal and I wouldn't disagree much, so I'm a little conflicted. They also removed all post-count related member groups just to implement this, but that I really don't like.

  8. 40987 190k for epic electrabuzz lol, epic one costs 500k+
    Well he did say "or decent."

    40987and a decent one will atleast go for 250k
    I bought one of my good ones for like 120k. For another, I did pay 250k on a whim, but I personally wouldn't say I'd normally pay that for an untrained, unleveled Electabuzz.


    EDIT: Actually now I can't remember if it was 150 or 250... :confused:

  9. What would change: I propose better organization within the Suggestions forum and a simple set of rules to be posted and pinned/stickied.

    • First, move Things that are not to be introduced in PRO and Things i don't like in PRO to Suggestions where they belong.
      They belong here because they both deal specifically with player suggestions and feedback; they're not truly general game talk in essence. In addition, it doesn't make any sense to place a list of rejected suggestions anywhere but in Suggestions... to me, at least.
    • Second, create a subforum in Suggestions titled "Accepted," and consistently move suggestions that are acknowledged and accepted there.
      This is superior to simply tagging threads as "Accepted" or something like that because all a user has to do is go into the Accepted subforum to see all of them nicely grouped together.


    As for the rules themselves:

    1. Before posting a suggestion, please search for and use the thread that has already covered it, if one exists.
      This is to prevent at least some repeat threads. Of course, we'll still get people who aren't aware of their surroundings at all and just come trampling through Suggestions asking for more server slots. The hope is that we might avoid some of it.
    2. Limit your suggestions to one per thread.
      This is to prevent chaos; otherwise, if a thread picks up, there could be twenty different discussions over ten different suggestions going on at once, which isn't beneficial in any way to PRO, the community, or the original poster. This is also better for finding threads of a particular topic, which is what we want people to be able to do so they can follow Rule #1.
    3. Do not make nonconstructive posts in Suggestions.
      This is to prevent personal arguments or attacks.


    Why should it change: Currently, the PRO Forum is a bit disorganized in some areas, and this will not correct itself if left alone. Therefore, we must take action to create a better, cleaner, and more functional forum. I believe these changes are all interrelated and will play a vital part in helping the Suggestions forum, and thus the PRO Forum overall.


    When should it change: As soon as a day, maybe two at the latest depending on how busy staff is. All things considered, implementing this suggestion is pretty simple and it wouldn't take very long or much effort at all.

  10. Thanks! That was the last question mark in the whole guide--that I know of! The data will undoubtedly change as Pokemon spawns are meddled with (Eevee for example), so it's up to the community now to spot any changes/mistakes. I wish I could just keep it up to date myself and verify the validity of the entire guide every single day day but... no, just no. Haha. :Crazy:

  11. Since day one of Beta, we've laughed it up whenever someone posted an "epic" Pokemon in Trade. The beginning of the end seemingly started about 32 years ago. Eventually, internet and gamer culture picked the slang up and gave the entire world cancer--and that brings us to present day! At this rate, you'll never get people to stop saying epic without extreme measures. Never ever.


    Nonetheless, epic still shouldn't be filtered. The word didn't ask for this.


    Now, if it was my game, I'd filter the hell out of epic just to spite kids. :devil:


  12. Re: Mt. Goon: Economics Edition


    <r><QUOTE author="sickkitten"><s>

    </s><POST content="40562"><s></s>40562<e></e></POST> life tips from sickkitten: if a website has a spot before paying for a promo code always ALWAYS google "(website name) promo code" first ~<e>

    Nice tie-in to economics. <E>:Smile:</E></r>

  13. 40238
    Meh i'll stop answer and just wait for an official response from the team, whether [highlight=yellow]GOOD or BAD[/highlight]


    Glasses please, really.


    Oh, I know; something just tells me there's no OR to be found, as I can't imagine them bending backwards to encourage s.exism. I guess anything's possible, though.

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