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Posts posted by Klohver

  1. 32 minutes ago, PhuongIsMyLife said:

    As you can see in the edit history,

    After further investigation it seems you began this auction in game before making this post, and you did state the 50k min bid there so it will be allowed. However, to avoid these types of complications in the future please be sure to be very clear when making your opening post. When advertising in game it is also important that you are including the end time. Please be sure to include that in future advertisements. 

  2. Remove the minimum bid that you have added to your auction or you could face further punishment. You cannot add the minimum bid after the auction has already started. Refer to the auction rule below for more information.  
    . Insta Prices, Minimum Raises and Accepted Payments are optional, however, if set, must be announced in public, and cannot be changed, negotiated or added once:

    - In-game: The auction has been announced.

    - Forum: The auction has started.

  3. 12 hours ago, ThandieuII said:

    auction finished. Winner KcKgue. Thank

    Your auction was not conducted according to the Auction Rules. Read the Auction Rules before continuing to participate or hold anymore auctions. Your mistake did not lead to disruption in the auction so you will not be punished this time. However you could be in the future. 
    You changed your accepted forms of payment after the auction was started. 

    12. Insta Prices, Minimum Raises and Accepted Payments are optional, however, if set, must be announced in public, and cannot be changed, negotiated or added once:

    - In-game: The auction has been announced.

    - Forum: The auction has started.


    • Like 1
  4. Hi Millionario95,
    The title of your thread suggests that you are accepting rerolls and CC as payment however you need to specify at what price these are accepted at. 
    Please refer to the Auction Rules for more information. Below is a copy of the stated rule, please edit your post accordingly. Thank you and good luck with your auction. 
    . Accepted Payments may be offered as an additional or alternative form of payment to pokedollars. These must:

    - Be specified by the seller.

    - Be an item, and its value in pokedollars must be clearly specified by the seller.

     e.g. "1x Coin Capsule = 400K, 1x Reroll Ticket = 800K".

     Pokemon cannot be offered as an Accepted Payment.

  5. Based on the results of this thread, there will be punishment issued to all users who withdrew their bids. This thread will be locked, and the seller can try to restart the Auction in a new thread. Please be advised that this is a Trade forum also and commenting and carrying on conversations here is not allowed. If you had a problem with my judgement you could take it to the Report Center and it can be discussed there. As for those getting punished, you can make an appeal in the private Appeals sub forum.

  6. I was forced to do the journey till the 4th gym with Spacioo to get my haunter back, please don't do anything else now i did already wait 5 days and played 5 hours to get it back.

    Considering that we do this on a volunteer basis, I've been trying my best to get this done for you. Honestly you were even lucky I got to you because it has been decided that Trade Mods and Staff in general will no longer be reversing these types of trades. There are warnings in place that pop up on your screen that ask you to make sure you want to continue the trade if you haven't completed the region. I hope you pay attention to those warnings in the future.

  7. I cannot afford the mantine now because I have bought another mantine. You shouldn't punish me for buying another pokemon because I lost the bidding. Your punishment should be with the person who broke the agreement. #2 the owner of the mantine neither loses or wins anything. You can easily tell him to do another bid since it was corrupted. Now is this just mr. mod ? If not I will take this to a higher power. I invested to much time and money in this game to just be banned . If it is not resolved here then I will take it to legal grounds because as you know virtual time spent in game can come to court of law. I think this is unjust on your part to ban me when I now do not have the money to buy the mantine. Let me know what you will do and I will do my part.

    You are both in the wrong and committing the same infraction. You can report this of you like but if you insist on withdrawing your offer if this trade doesn't go through you will receive the same trade ban.

  8. If it's only a couple of hours np i can wait, and yeah i own both account, the only issue is i can't connect on both at the same time because until tommorrow i can only connect with 1 mobile account at the time

    Alright as soon as I can get around a PC I'll change it. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

  9. No i just checked and i don't have it, i checked the pc and my team.

    Edit:as i said in the first post my username is Spaacioo in game

    Edit2: In fact you moved it on the account with the same name than me on the forum, i just checked, but my real account has two a in it and two o

    Do you own both accounts? I can fix it later but it's going to be a couple hours before I can be available to make the change.

  10. When you make an offer in an auction your are not allowed to withdraw your offer. You are obligated to be liable for your offer until the auction is over. If the other user wins the Pokemon we go about our day. But if not your are the next user in line to purchase. Being a donator does not exempt you from the auction rules.

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  11. [ATTACH=full]75930[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]75931[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]75932[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]75933[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]75934[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]75935[/ATTACH]i give to someone exp me my pokemons and he no do sinoh story and cant use them to exp them i want if it s possible to cancel the trade[ATTACH=full]75929[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]75975[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]75976[/ATTACH]

    Can you give an explanation of your problem so I can help?

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