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Posts posted by Frux

  1. So I lost a shiny because of a bug? that's not really fair :/


    Next time when you register an account on what ever sites/game, please always read the terms and conditions. By that you'll be prepared on what ever consequences you'll face, I believe.

  2. I don't exactly know why Shane is taking long to code those abilities and moves where it should be the priority.


    But I think it all goes to the (messed up?) source code of the game?, Shane might have hard time finding a way for a certain ability/move/feature to work due to it. Which might also forced him to make a PRO2.0 :Question:

  3. trash idea, close the topic please, we dont need randomizer IV or IV changer or nothing, the game is brilliant like is now


    imo, well as what rumors popping, PRO will only last a year or so. A 2.0 will be release and this one will be discarded(I actually hope none of it will happen), so i think it doesn't matter anyway. Even if they'll implement ridiculous ideas like Breeding or even make all wild pokes 31 iv. Its fine for lads to enjoy PRO's last days.

  4. Re: Please dont put coins to change ivs


    <r>For heaven's sake. <COLOR color="#FF0000"><s></s>@Shane<e></e></COLOR>, please don't.<br/>


    <SIZE size="85"><s></s>Please don't let me(many of us) quit the game. <E>:Frown:</E> <br/>

    Any items that alters Pokemon's IV/Nature/Ability, is definitely, 100%, no doubt a game catastrophe, fun deprivation, player depletion, pride devastation and worst, soon will lead to PRO's <COLOR color="#FF0000"><s></s>DEATH.<e></e></COLOR><e></e></SIZE><br/>


    <SIZE size="85"><s></s>Have you even felt that feeling I get after I grinded this <URL url="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/200632124674539520/293019896454053888/unknown.png"><s></s>Scyther<e></e></URL> for 1800+ hours<e></e></SIZE> <SIZE size="50"><s></s>(Yep its REAL i could even slap it in one's face)<e></e></SIZE><SIZE size="85"><s></s>, which I even caught a Shiny Pinsir before it?<e></e></SIZE> ---- Oops pardon, seems like I was a bit too selfish there. <E>:Ambivalent:</E></r>

  5. -snip


    It can be done actually but will have to rework entire NPCs which also include ones on storylines from Kanto upto present. Which in my opinion would take almost a year or so. As said its too (superultramega) tedious for just a simple feature. Is it worth the wait? Would people willing to wait even for a single feature update?


    but iirc theyre looking for possible ways to implement it, thats why they put those teleport abras&co. for the mean time. Or might be forever :Frown:

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