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Posts posted by Algerie31

  1. please allow us to mark many at ones one giving to cultust in wq


    i want to say when you submit  the pokemon to be caught in world quest to mysterious cultist you do it at ones you have not to choose each poké from party to give to him (max5 poke each turn)



    • Like 2
  2. please add an npc who desactivate temprarly member ship medaillon for exapmle to facilitate farming certain pokemon which are not ms and prevent apearing ms mones in that map to have high chance to catch it

    for example by desactivating ms in this map we will have higher chance to catch meditite than using active ms


  3. On 5/3/2021 at 4:28 PM, Algerie31 said:

    +1 bcz this ticket is not 100% to get a legendary we can have a trash pokemon btw

    +1 qlso many ppl have nothing to do with wqa hunt & farming mones because they already have all lendaries in their box so they will not need mysterious ticket 

  4. 49 minutes ago, g3n3r4l said:


    Yep great way to try and scam the sailors comity of the 5k they want for you to travel from one port to the next. They've got to make a living somehow, you can't just not pay them by having this guy transport you for free.


    The only way i'd say +1 to this, is if it cost 5k to go to the easter island.

    where did i said it will be for free ? of course it will be payable if not returned to native map (except if player had a free pass)

  5. pls make Sailor Richard bring us in various ports, so When speaking to Sailor Richard again, he will give us the oportinity to go to a speciefic chosen city (if we were champions).

    as in this pic for example:





    n.b= the transport is 5k fee and free for those who had train ticket pass

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