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Posts posted by Algerie31

  1. 1 minute ago, BlitzkriegZ said:

    Lost first 5 times then won the next one comfortably just by changing formations a bit. 

    1. The 2 attacking set carbinks are at the corners of the row, position 1 and 4 from above. Switching the 2nd offensive carbink from 4th to 3rd place should help more. This allowed me to rock slide into 3 ninjask in a single turn and ohko them all. 
    2. First turn should be prioritized by setting up the 2 offensive sets and screens with the defensive ones.
    3. Sandstorm and toxics from the support sets should help next turn and after that its just landing the moves with the offensive ones and changing their positions suitable for getting maximum damage output. i moved the offensive carbinks to kill the greninja first since it spams double team. 

    and how to do here ?image.png.143f6bcd6e6e915fc458028655c53d84.png

  2. hi all,

    as you know All guild members will avail from experience-gain bonuses depending on the scale of membership that there is in; so i have a suggestion to add above the welcome screen in chat to the guild who has beneficts accordind to its members & ranking a text that say = " your guild has a bonus (2.5%, 5%, 7.5% ) EXP boost for +** members."


    for example my guild has +96 members so all members of my guild will have this message as in pic =



    i hope my suggestion will be good because it will let all members to know how much bonus they got and make fun to pro


    refering link for guild benificts = https://prowiki.info/index.php?title=Guilds & https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/101250-guilds-guide/




    • Like 1
  3. 11 hours ago, Midsommar said:

    Hi there @Algerie31



    Please stay respectful at all times towards other users, do not insult anyone as they are allowed to have a different opinion than yours. It's completely fine to disagree with an argument and give your response to reflect it, but in no occasion you are allowed to insult users or employ inappropriate terms towards them. Your message was edited, keep this in mind in your future responses. 




    i respect any player in this game because we are a community and they are as my brother & sister & father & mother but that is my way to say my opinion sry if you misunderstand me

  4. 7 hours ago, g3n3r4l said:


    i just dislike temporary things that are just means of compensation. You aren't suffering in any way by playing the game, and are using your time to do so. Just because one feature is disabled due to the event of a server crash, doesn't mean you need to have compensation for it. Realistically you need not receive compensation for anything you do, as you are playing the game by your own free will. Digs and excavations aren't a permanent removal, so they'll be back in due time.

    if you are not aware we lost many rare item and precious as nuggets and big nuggets & stardust & gems & huge staff which could cost millions 


  5. On 3/17/2021 at 9:53 PM, Asmodeus24 said:

    Hello, guys! I just came back from a long pause and i wanna join a guild that has the requirements for a Guild Island if it s possible!!!

    I have 200+ hours in-game, i m kinda active but the only problem is that currently i don t play at pvp.

    I'm still training good pokes to play pvp as soon as possible, but if there is any guild that can accept me I ll gladly join !!!

    Thank you very much !


    the next month (1st april) guild island will be free for all guild so ppl have to be in a guild to take benificts

    and you are welcome to join my guild "arabic nights" in gold server contact me ingame name =algerie31

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