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Posts posted by Algerie31

  1. On 3/4/2021 at 10:04 PM, Hawluchaa said:

    Your thread on the silver section has been removed. Please read the trade and forum rules before creating an auction. Rework your thread to be valid. Failing to do so will result in a punishment. Include a valid screenshot of your offer as well. 


    Have a nice day,


    Sincerely Hawluchaa.

    just see my chat and you will know that i had an offer 1m than 2m than 4m than 4.5m and many epic mones to trade with 

    so why i got banned 



  2. 18 hours ago, ALEXANDRIAN said:

    Hello, a few hours ago while i was doing bug catching contest the server crashed twice in less than 5 minutes, the 1st time wasn't during pokemon encounter so when i logged back in my avatar remained in the bug catching area, 2nd time was during an encounter so when i logged in my avatar was moved to the last pokecenter, so what I'm suggesting obviously is when a player gets disconnected during a pokemon encounter (and it happens very often) he stays in the bug catching area instead of being moved to the last pokecenter.

    already made a suggestion 

  3. 1 minute ago, Bhimoso said:

    -1. In the horizontal tile line you have just above your character there are 22 horizontal bushes you can walk from one side to the other. This is completely innecessary. It's already good as it is.

    but if you do repetitif click with your mouse you will find yourself in gap not grass and it will be a lost time to walk in

  4. hi

    in safari and in many places too in pro map i see several gap when ppl can not farm easily

    for example in safari area 2 farming is annoying we found many gaps in grass we cant click vertical or horizontal way to have a good farm 

    please fix it



  5. 6 minutes ago, PopInSmoke said:



    not that hard to just remeber something, definitly not hard enough to demand a feature for it 

    if you play +10 hours a day you will know if its hard or easy to remember  if you were offline or online


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