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Posts posted by Eaty

    • The "rich get richer", the best players will be in the top #3 guilds and therefore get access to more content, allowing them to make more money/get more content etc.

    That's not true. The guild island does not give anything the normal maps doesn't. It's has mainly quality of life features such as more pvp oriented (but not easier to hunt) spawns. There are a few (really only a few) spawns that only spawn there but they are huntable in outbreaks quite often.


    The original idea is somewhat possible with a little work and staffs maintaining it. Needs 1 Scripter, 1 Mapper and 1 staff who keeps track of everything. It's possible but isn't being done because ???

    The idea has too many flaws. To give an example, the original idea gives people the option to hide and use unauthorized software more efficiently without staffs noticing it.


    • This Guild Island stuff has destroyed old guilds, people were forced to merge to even remotely compete with others.
    • Guildleaders pay members to PvP OR worse cases where guildleaders pay people who are good to join their guild 7 days prior and boost the guild rating that way (this happened last season indeed in one of the Top1-4 guilds)

    It doesn't matter what rewards are given, this argument can be given at any time. It's either a reward no one cares about or people will argument it destroys guilds to get it.


    • The "PvP Guild reward" is pretty much ALL PvE content, nothing related to PvP, bosses/spawns etc are not PvP content.

    Yes and that's fully intended. The only PvP oriented rewards we have right now are PvP Coins and what you can buy with it. Any reward connected to that would devalue PvP Coins in the long run and we wouldn't be able to reward whole guilds in any reasonable way with PvP content.

  1. 1) Will the nerfed boss rewards return to their previous state? (Such as the love island boss duo I mentioned in the original post.)

    No, we will probably change most bosses and their rewards entirely.


    2) When boss team changes are made, can the CS team please announce them so we know what to expect before going into battle? An example of this would just be to mention that Battle Bot PC's team has been reworked and changed completely instead of briefly mentioning "Additionally some bosses were tweaked." -quoted from the discord announcement.

    That will depend on the changes and the CS team, I cannot answer that.

  2. It was always planned to give PvE guilds a chance to get to guild island but we don't have many options to do that right now.

    One of our Content Scripters is currently reworking all fighting NPCs within PRO. Kanto (and Johto?) should already be live. It might take a while till he's completely done and replaced all old fighting NPCs. I thought about using it to hold a planned (and not random) PvE Trainer WQ every two months where guilds get +1 for all NPCs they beat while the WQ is active and the top guild would get access to guild island for the upcoming month. This is nothing decided yet but a possibility for the future. I am all ear for other suggestions.


    It might take a bit but we are working on new PvE updates (especially) with and for the upcoming region. We did not forget PvE (and PvP) players but we cannot focus on them at the same time. So there will be times with more PvP and times with more PvE updates.

    • Like 2
  3. We simply do not implement something like this as we don't want to encourage users to dodge each other.

    We accepted that it caused dramas within guilds and gave/give you two options to avoid this. You can either both not accept the match or make a draw request in the future. These features were not implemented to support it but simply to reduce the drama in guilds to a minimum. We did not have to do it but decided it's the best for a friendly guild environment.


    Sometimes it might feel like you are wasting time when finding a guild in the queue but that's the price you have to pay and it's fully intended.

  4. I am not too much of a fan if there are rewards involved generally as I can only see this ending in a drama.


    But I wouldn't be against a similar "voting" system as in league of legends for PRO. We could give users the option to give every player a vote out of a few options.

    "Helpful player", "Fun to play with" and "Great PvP player" could be potential options. Every option could have an icon. The icons and vote counts could be displayed in the trainer card.


    Not really sure about it overall but that's maybe an option for the future.

    • Like 7
  5. We sadly need a boss limit. I am not saying it's perfect or that we implemented it the perfect way but we only added bosses very, very slowly for the last year cause we couldn't add more without exceeding the limit we set ourselve for boss runs. With the upcoming region and many boss requestes within the staff we had no other way left.

    The Content Scripter lead, I and a few others will need a while to discuss and rework some bosses. This is to somewhat balance bosses so we do not have "useless" bosses anymore. That's needed with the upcoming updates anyways. We have many construction zones within PvE and PvP right now and hope to find solutions for everything within the next months. Right now, we are fully working on the upcoming update which mainly focuses on PvP. But we did not forget about other things like boss updates and the world quest which need to more interesting in the long run for users that already got all legendaries.


    I hope you can give us a bit more time to sort out everything and then work on tweaks and changes.


    While discussing it here, I would like to ask a question. Would you guys prefer a global cooldown reset for the 7-days boss cooldown? So that it always resets Monday 12 AM GMT+0? This way users also (almost) have the option to do 14-days boss runs.

    • Like 8
  6. Megas will not be OT-bound. This would devalue many pokes, many trades that already happen would practically be scams and megas need to be considered in our economy as they will be a huge part of it. Therefore I'll close this suggestion as denied. I understand your point and it's nice to see that everyone in here posted their opinion but it sadly does not fit in our game.

    • Like 10
  7. Theoretically, I am not totally against it. I don't like the suggestion as it is but I like the core idea.

    But practically, users would only vote their friends/guildies, especially when there's something to win and not the users that actually helped.

    • Like 4
  8. The legendary always had the ability but I simply foced it to their first ability as there was no way to change it and their HA was mainly unplayable in PvP.

    We did not assign new abilities but gave them back their original ones.


    I do get your point but there won't be any kind of change for current Froakies and their evolution lines.

    • Like 1
  9. Hello, 8-10 Coin Capsules sounds reasonable. Do you suggest that for every single mega evolution or to get a mega stone?


    Okay, jokes aside, won't happen. Simply cause they are meant to be accessible to all players that invest a bit time. Otherwise it would have been kinda worthless to actually code and implement them.

    • Like 3
  10. legit caught landorus are not 31 ivs perfect...also the rule clearely states that it refers to unobtainable stuff spawned pokemon...it does not divide them to categories (species and forms)...according to your rules, it should not be used...rules should be interpreted strictly according to their meaning...shiny landorus is a staff spawned pokemon...otherwise same cases would be treated differently because the interpretation will change...

    It does mean unobtainable Pokemon, not unobtainable sprite. Of course, we could disallow them to use shinies that aren't obtainable but would you be happy with this? You wouldn't be able to differentiate between staff rewards and legit caught Pokemon which might make the match even harder for you. Most of the time good IVs only matter in speed ties. They do not make a Pokemon invicible and as I said before, most of our staffs cannot reach ladder, even if they try hard.

    • Like 1
  11. Hello! Landorus is obtainable and therefore usable in PvP and does not fall under the banned rule.

    The shiny form is unobtainable but this makes no difference in PvP. Forms do not give any advantages.


    PvP has to do a lot with skills (and luck sometimes). Most of our staffs cannot reach ladder, not even with staff rewards. Staff rewards do not guarantee anything if you do not have the needed knowledge. I am really sorry that you had a bad experience in this match but it would have been the same with a legit caught Landorus. It might have been a difference if there was a speed tie or the Landorus barely survived due to his good stats but that could have been the same with a decent/good legit caught Landorus.


    I do understand your frustration towards staff rewards but please do not forget that staff members helped the game for at least 6 months before they were rewarded and sacrificed a lot of their time they could have used differently. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask them.

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