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Eaty last won the day on August 2

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About Eaty

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Community Answers

  1. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/159019-dev-to-do-list/ Locked as on the dev to-do list.
  2. Hello, there are no plans to deviate from the current Gen 7 move learn sets for now. If such a situation arises, we would ban the combination in PvP. For this reason, I have to deny your suggestion.
  3. Eaty

    Pc Sorting

    Hello, I already worked on a new filter system that currently only works in the lending trade window. If it proves to be stable, it could definitely be used for other features like the Pokemon box. This would mean that a significant part of the work for a box rework may already be done, and more changes, including your suggestion, might come with a box rework. For now, I'll be locking this thread since your suggestion is already on the dev to-do list. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/159019-dev-to-do-list/
  4. Eaty

    PVP 2v2

    https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/159019-dev-to-do-list/ Locked as on the dev to-do list.
  5. Hello, according to our logs, very few players use many legendary Pokemon in Ranked PvP. Most use only one, some use two, and very few use more than two. The matches where more than two legendaries were used generally had a negative win rate. I can share more data on this in the future if players are interested, but I have to deny your suggestion.
  6. Hello, we currently do not save private chats. While there are plans to save them encrypted in the future, allowing players to share them with staffs in reports using chat keys, we do not intend to make older chats accessible. I'm planning a complete chat rework in the future, which will involve merging the public chat and private messages. After this rework, you’re welcome to suggest this feature again, but for now, there are no plans to implement it.
  7. Hello, we already save all battles for replays. Currently, there is no way to share these with other players, but that feature is planned. It won't be happening in the near future, but it is something we have on our to-do list.
  8. Hello, I plan to add Running Shoes in the future. Running Shoes will have the same movement speed as surf mounts. However, before doing that, I need to code the ability to change not only the move speed but also the animation speed for mounts. This isn't something I plan to do in the immediate future, but it's on my to-do list.
  9. Hello, we don't plan to add a call back button or allow one-sided returns of lending trades from the lender side before the agreed time, as many lendings come with agreements, and possibly a payment or other compensation. The duration of lending trades should be considered beforehand, and if you're lending something to a friend or guild mate, you always have the option to ask them to return the Pokemon manually before the agreed time.
  10. Eaty

    Update Logs

    Changelog 02.08.2024: Added a window to view Pokemon you have lent to others. Fixed a few bugs that could lead to visual bugs with the lending trade time. Added a completely revamped filter system, which currently only works in the new lending trade window. The filter system is a prototype in trial and may be used elsewhere later. Quick Guide to Search Filters Removed the sync button from the client. Reworked some parts of the Pokedex code. You can click on the map in the spawn areas, and it will open the map name in the spawn list now You can scroll in the area section of the Pokedex now. The maps in the area section are sorted alphabetically now. Fixed the Valentine Smeargle follower sprite. Added more mounts and forms. Few small reworks, clean-ups and optimizations. Server Merge Status Update - Current development status Database Migration → 100%. This was the bulk of the work. Forum Migration → 100%. We wrote a proper solution instead of the original workaround, allowing to switch characters like accounts in Discord. This gives the option to use individual characters for services, forum shops, and similar purposes. It was a lot more work, but it's a better and more stable solution. Moderation Tools Migration → 100%. Website Migration → 0% →80%. Dashboard Migration → 50% → 80%. Reborn Bot → 0%. Client → 5%. Server → 10%. Ban System Rework → 100%.
  11. Hello, with the next client update, there will be an option to view currently lent Pokemon, and the remaining time.
  12. Hello, with the next client update, there will be an option to view currently lent Pokemon, and the remaining time.
  13. Hello, with the next client update, there will be an option to view currently lent Pokemon, and the remaining time.
  14. Hello, I understand that having a supportive and friendly gaming environment is important, but I’d like to clarify that in the early stages of our game, there are no specific story parts or quests that require assistance from other players. This design allows everyone to progress at their own pace and explore the game independently. I recommend you to visit our Game Guide sub-forum, where you can find detailed guides and tips that might help you as you navigate through the game. Regarding the behavior of other players, while we strive to foster a welcoming community, players do have the option to ignore others if they choose. This feature is intended to give everyone control over their interactions.
  15. We do not plan to unleash the Hoopa but how about the Hoopa mount?
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