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Posts posted by Gawerty

  1. I like the idea but I don't know if it is completely fleshed out enough, you can make it sound good, but you haven't added anything limiting to it, that makes it a good feature, but something that isn't too good. For example, if you wanted this map to spawn certain pokemon for cash, there'd need to be some serious lines drawn, we couldn't have say a competitive PVP guild being able to spawn viable competitive pokemon all in one map, which I am sure is what would be their intentions. (and yes, even if you limited specifically to 5 pokemon for grass and water, that's still a high possibility of abuse for some pokemon that are easier to obtain that are still viably competitive.)


    Also figuratively the goal here is that every map has a use, so by doing this, some maps become obsolete because the pokemon on that map spawn in a guild functioned island... So try to explain why this should happen and not why you want it to happen.

  2. Sure will do help u but today only i got blamed over messing up with that wiki (d). anyway back to topic for MS maps we need ms to test spawns so we can't help u there and as for spawn rates they still can be changed so i guess it's not a good idea to post them on wiki now.


    Can't deny the proof, your IP Address was all over that whole entire case, it's up to this wiki user if he will let you continue to "work" on the wiki though.

  3. I see no problem with this thread, of course I'm only a moderator so someone higher up might say otherwise, but so long as the thread does not get out of hand and it remains on topic and constructive, there should be no problem.


    If something is posted in here, DO NOT expect a immediate fix as staff may have another feature or be working on something that we feel is more important at the time. Have a good one.



  4. Every angle possible is discussed in a update, such as the thought of breeding, there was a lot of discussion on it but ultimately it was decided that it just wouldn't work. There was a alternative made for it, that lets you get SOME pokemon eggs, and it has been a great hit for some players.


    The absence of certain features does not mean PRO isn't a good game, I prefer not to compare PRO to other games, because PRO is PRO and it is not PokeMMO, or PWO, or PDoD, or any of the other ones out there.


    PRO is developed with the like-mindedness that we are our own game, our own community, we are a revolution.


    Viva La Revolution~

  5. This thread has gone completely off-topic, i'd like to veer from the discussion of which game is better and move back to the topic at hand.



  6. Not a bad game but I would have to disagree with it being better than pokemmo considering the fact that for some odd reason they didn't implement breeding which plays a big part in pokemon. Without breeding the game shows no competitive standpoint. While asking one of the mods who were online about this they said that "breeding kills mmo's." This in fact is a lie due to the fact that pokemmo is basically a successful mmo with a nice breeding system. You guys should really look into the idea that they provide. And for the image of the future backgrounds for battles and such it kinda looks like someone just drew them with crayons tbh. Id have to give this game a thumbs down. Hope you guys improve in the future though. ^^


    Define successful, sure PokeMMO has breeding, sure its got a nice PVP Scene, but that means less to nothing when the trading economy suffers from it. When I played PokeMMO before I was staff there, the trading economy was poor, and lacked because everyone could breed RARE Pokemon.


    In the sense of breeding killing mmo's, that's the case for games oriented like PRO, in the sense that with the way the rarity system works, being able to breed a rare pokemon for your 6x31 iv chance like you would in PokeMMO simply doesn't work, because it messes with the rarity system, which messes with the economy, that's why it wasn't implemented.

  7. There is a lot of discussion about PRO's storyline behind the scenes, as more things are completed and added for players to run through and play, the storyline will make more sense. you'll see.

  8. Okay I understand everything you said there. One question though, how come we battle Gary after the Kanto E4 then? I love that battle, please keep it there. But it doesn't make sense that he is not mentioned at all before that battle, is after all the champ (former champ after beating him). I think there should be atleast some mention of Gary before the player gets to the E4. Thanks for the reply Gawerty, you eased most of my concern.



    In retrospect, Blue became the champion here after Red decided he was going to complete his pokedex and continue his training. In this case, the reason we face Blue is because the storyline takes place sometime between Red leaving Kanto, and after Gold beat Red.

  9. So the player's rival in Kanto is named Jackson.

    Is there a reason for this? I was thinking you should use Gary as his rival, considering that is how it was back in good ole Blue version, and plus you battle Gary at the end of the E4, so that is fitting.

    Speaking of the rival, you are missing a battle before nugget bridge that took place in the handhelds.

    Quote me if you reply so I see it in a notification.



    PRO isn't exactly a complete duplicate of the original games, any and all content made in PRO is mostly our own, or similar to the games but not entirely the in the fullest, the reason why there is no Blue/Gary, is simple. We are not Red/Ash, we are our own character, so we have our own rival. It can be theorized that Red and Blue's parents may have moved towns or passed away, depends on the amount of years that have passed, all that YOU as the player knows is that at the beginning of the game you see Red fighting Lance in a forest like area, which tells you that it is sometime in the future. Especially since Red was using a Mega Charizard. Our Rival battles are going to be different, or placed differently simply because not everything is meant to line up with the handhelds exactly. Our storyline while similar has it's key differences that you will notice down the line.

  10. You didn't make this Charizard Gif, it was ripped from the official games, so where those other sprites.




    I looked at the backgrounds and the first is from the original Pokemon X and Y games, and the second was found on this Deviant Art page: Pokemon Mega Evolution Caterpie Wild Screen Shot


    If you didn't make these images, don't claim them as your own, it will not get you anywhere.

  11. I like the idea of different languages for the game although I don't believe it would be an easy-going process. Its workable of course, but it really just depends.


    The server status is a working process, since we are in testing and we have explained as such many times, the server could go down at any time, and even at sometimes when no-one with the power to restart the server is around...That being said, there may just be a more improved server status function when the game is fully released, who knows.

  12. i played pro theusday then the server was down to improve.

    when it's back i could get full update it's stop at 55% so i deleted all the game from my pc and install it again

    now i couldnt enter it even the update is done

    and this what i get when i try to open it


    i have a problem with client update it wont download and instal latest update and i have latest version 0_81






    I had this issue myself last night, the issue may be resolved with the next update, but from what I was told, it's an administrator issue, regardless it should be fixed with the next update.

  13. The server itself, is hosted through an object called a VPS (Virtual Private Server)


    When the VPS is cheap, or sucks, the server reflects, and simply put, the VPS PRO pays for, is a cheap one simply for testing, so we can work out deadlocks and other issues, I mean, look at me, I haven't been able to log in all day because of the new Auto-Updater as have many players, this is why we aren't paying for a better VPS, because there are still issues within the server and the game that need to be sorted before more money goes into the server and consequently before the game releases fully.

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