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Posts posted by Gawerty

  1. When i saw thw topic title i was thinking *oh great not another GIBE FLY NAO* topic.


    However this is actually a good suggestion. We could make it so that if ur on any route with the flying mount, any spawn with the flying type is still encounterable. (Like sky battles for example), and trees/buildings/mountains are still obstacles but anything else is fair game.


    I agree - but make the ability to use fly for members only :-D


    I don't see that being a fair situation. I personally believe that for this to work, there should be a once-time ingame money sink in place, you should have to purchase an item called a "Sky License" and with said item, you will be able to fly around in the cooresponding region if you have all 8 badges of that region. At least this way it would sink SOME money, and it would make the game fair, so you don't see a ton of people flying around, if people on the ground could see the mounts that is.

  2. You know, someone said the community was crappy here but i am have never felt so welcome! thank you guys!


    The only way this community could improve is by getting more users whom want to help the game out, and actually report every error or bug they see, there have been a few players who don't do this at all, and think it wise to not play because on the full release of the game your team will be deleted, and progress reset.



    I think that comes down to a player's choice, Most gamers have school, college or work so don't want to have to restart a game like this because of the grinding aspect. but myself, Just here for the pokemon! :Cool:


    You are indeed correct of course Arroar, I just simply said that because every game relies on testers to discover bugs, and this game is no different.


    Regardless, welcome to the game :)

  3. You know, someone said the community was crappy here but i am have never felt so welcome! thank you guys!


    The only way this community could improve is by getting more users whom want to help the game out, and actually report every error or bug they see, there have been a few players who don't do this at all, and think it wise to not play because on the full release of the game your team will be deleted, and progress reset.


    While this does happen when we release something that needs to be tested, that's the purpose of this testing phase and people don't get that, so as long as we get people who understand the purpose of this phase of the game, and actually strive to help out in that scenario, then the community will improve.


    Otherwise, we are set, we have a great community.

  4. You won't be able to edit post, add a avatar, add a signature, or view a ton of our available boards on these forums until you reach 8 post.


    I've watched your PokeMMO videos a few times, I remember seeing you there myself, although I think we missed actually being ingame at the same time a lot of the time while I was a CM over there.


    I subscribed to your channel, I hope you enjoy the game we have going on here.


    If you need any help or have anything you want to ask me, feel free to shoot me a PM


    Welcome to the Revolution!

  5. I always wondered if loveless nickname had something to do with the issue you had with the PRO staff before?, if so I want you to know, Every guy that is willing to help PRO to bring the best, will be always welcome. About showing you real name hmm, I do not see a problem since you are (going to be) in a nice rank, not like being in the GM rank, people always rage at you even when they know they deserve it?, I do not think I will be showing my nickname although maybe you already know it? (wary) haha anyway welcome to PRO (since this is a Player introduction topic).


    To be completely real with you, the Loveless nickname was all to do with the past, but partially with my love for the character himself. Thanks for the welcome!

  6. Re: R3vo - Viva La R3vo!


    <r><QUOTE author="Xhaj"><s>

    </s><QUOTE author="Gawerty"><s>
    </s><QUOTE author="Xhaj"><s>
    </s>Loveless, i'll give you love :HeartEyes: <E>:Heart:</E> Now you're gonna have to change your name.<e>


    HAPPY?! ;O;<e>



    Decided to change my mind you're no longer loved by me. Guess you're Loveless again.<e>





    Not changing my name/rank again. scrub.</r>

  7. Anyone caught hacking or cheating, despite whether they are a member or not, will be punished exactly the same in terms of fairness, there won't be any bias and if a certain moderator does hold bias for a specific member, then they will not be the one to handle the ban. Plain and simple.


    Likewise, if members actually provide a valid reasoning or excuse (Beyond the whole "My brother did it!!!") they may actually be pardoned or excused, or even given a second chance.


    It all depends, but the truth of the matter is, nobody will be given any advantage over anyone, if a member from day one is caught botting to someone from day 1000, they will all be punished the same.


    Thank you.

  8. Moonrise is one of those projects that won't hold a lot of weight in the future, if you ask me.


    To be honest, I expect that with us having a Android Client, and Mac, and Windows, and Ubuntu (For those linux users <3) we will most likely be on the top of list of MMO's to play.


    Of course there will always be those users dedicated to a Pokemon MMO they have set their roots in, and there is no harm in that, but with this game's release, I expect we will see a massive influx of users.

  9. Let me understand this, all you want is a different colour for your forum name?


    If so I would not like people that helped in difficult moments to get only a different colour in their names, but if you are asking it as a plus, it would be a nice addition, I do not see any issue with recognizing the players that helped the project since the beggining



    I was mainly only asking something like that to happen as recognition for people who have gone out of their way for the project to survive. It doesn't even have to be that really.

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