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Guild Island spawn set suggestions


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Maybe the spawns should be less about the theme , and more about the synch. Not gonna lie , most of the guild island spawns are absolute rubbish , guild island is definitely not the reason guilds compete for the top 3 spots ( And the fact that a guild can get into guild island using a ton of mysterious tickets is an absolute joke ).


The only good spawn guild island has ever had (to my knowledge)  was when the cave had these 3 pokémon in the same spot : sneasel , gligar , and gible . And for one reason , all of them share a common nature which is jolly. And from what i've witnessed ,  that actually gave people the incentive to hunt on guild island.


You need to give guilds reason to try to reach the top spots , aside from the prestige and fame . Having spawns revolving around nature will make guild island a success for sure . This might be a bit too overpowered ,  and its still just an imperfect idea ,  but something along thoes lines will definitely make guilds compete for the top spots.

Examples : ( i'm not saying have all these pokemons in the same spot , 2 or 3 per spot would be perfect ) 

-Jolly spot : Gible , Sneasel , gligar , beldum , buneary , mimikyu , charmander , drilbur , jangmo-o , meditite 

-Naive or hasty spot : Chimchar , froakie , honedge ,  ralts 
-Timid spot : Snivy , charmander , abra  , larvesta  , treeko , deino , houndour , magnemite 

-Adamant spot : mudkip , pawniard , dratini , azurill , hawlucha , mawile , larvitar , corphish 


These are the pokemon just on top of my head , you can be as creative as you want with the spawns. And implementing the rotating spawns idea with this would make this even better. Something along these lines will definitely give guilds a reason to aim for guild island.

Edited by Ghabra
Some grammar and punctuation
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4 minutes ago, Ghabra said:

Quizás los engendros deberían ser menos sobre el tema y más sobre la sincronización . No voy a mentir que la mayoría de los engendros de islas de gremios son una absoluta basura, la isla de gremios definitivamente no es la razón por la que los gremios compiten por los 3 primeros lugares (y el hecho de que un gremio pueda ingresar a la isla de gremios usando una tonelada de boletos misteriosos es una broma absoluta )

La única isla de gremio de buena generación que ha tenido fue cuando la cueva tenía estos 3 pokémon en el mismo lugar: sneasel, gligar y gible. Y por una razón, todos comparten una naturaleza de bien común que es alegre. Y por lo que he presenciado, eso le dio a la gente el incentivo para cazar en la isla del gremio.

Debes dar razones a los gremios para tratar de alcanzar los primeros lugares, además del prestigio y la fama. Tener engendros girando en torno a la naturaleza hará que la isla del gremio sea un éxito seguro. Esto puede ser un poco dominado y todavía es solo una idea imperfecta, pero algo en esa línea definitivamente hará que los gremios compitan por los primeros lugares.

Ejemplos: (no estoy diciendo que tengas todos estos pokemons en el mismo lugar, 2 o 3 por lugar serían perfectos) 

-Jolly spot: Gible, Sneasel, gligar, beldum, buneary, mimikyu, charmander, drilbur, jangmo-o, meditite 

-Mancha naive o apresurada: Chimchar, froakie, honedge, ralts 
-Timid spot: Snivy, charmander, abra, larvesta, treeko, deino, houndour, magnemite 

-Adamant spot : mudkip, pawniard, dratini, azurill, hawlucha, mawile, larvitar, corphish 


Estos son los Pokémon que están justo encima de mi cabeza, puedes ser tan creativo como quieras con los engendros. E implementar la idea de spawns rotativos con esto lo haría aún mejor . Algo en esta línea definitivamente dará a los gremios una razón para apuntar a la isla de gremios.


Excellent reply


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On 1/2/2021 at 2:51 PM, CosaNostra said:

Why make suggestions ? you don't need opinions of players. Each time we make suggestions, we are ignored. Anyway you take decisions as you want Walross, instead of opinion of players (For example : ash greninja, and so on.). Take your decision yourself as always.

Always gives me a good laugh thinking about this. Spawns are something that should always be decided by people who know what they are doing & aren't influenced by people with lack of understanding what everything entails. 

I did spawns back in 2017 already (https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/69218-spawn-revision-2017-and-repel-trick/), this was all me, going as far as writing changelogs for Red to copy paste & the sole reason why Repeltricks are even a supported feature. I was Spawn Editor (a role that was created pretty much for me at the time), so I can confidentiality say that suggestions are the one of the most important part about spawn changes. It is near impossible to check everything on your own, so Spawn Editors heavily rely on suggestions. 

Rates, chances, items, repeltricks, levels etc should be decided based on factors such as economy, viability, availability, progress access. If you misjudge any of the following factors you get bad spawns, spawns that are unbalanced, destroy the value of existing Pokemon etc. 

As for the post itself: Themes are something that limits the Spawn Editors creativity massively, often times results in heavily unbalanced spawns in terms of value but also in terms of what gets added. Who is Spawn Editor also influences a lot of the decision making, know-it-all people will never succeed to players satisfaction, inexperienced/less caring Spawn Editors will add stuff way beyond their usual rarity tier levels (adding a Tier6 spawn when they only show up as Tier9 spawn everywhere else) or very PvP heavy Spawn Editors will focus on that & will fail to take all factors into account. 


19 hours ago, Ghabra said:

Maybe the spawns should be less about the theme , and more about the synch

This, brilliant idea. How can you make the most of the time spent hunting at a specific place, needing the same nature is a perfect example on how to respect players time. (Pinkan Island has the rough idea behind it when I changed them a while ago)
Morning, Day, Night cycles are also a good way to get incorporate more to a spawn area than just a theme. 

I was never a fan of the Guild Island spawns in general (if nothing changed, then I think it still remains that only Top3 guilds can enter those areas?). If that remains true then you are insanely limited as Spawn Editor as you can not make them "too good" as you will leave out majority of the community, especially smaller and/or PvE focused guilds. 

If you make them too bad then what is the point of it all? The middle-ground is usually not satisfying enough for players to go and grind out the guild ladder. 

Spawns are something a Spawn Editor needs passion for, asking the community about spawns will results in the same scenario as with incompetent Spawn Editors from the past who do what they want with no real thinking behind it. The community feedback can be incorporated once spawns are finalized and actually tested. This shows by the lack of responses to the thread and from past experiences, majority of the hundreds of changes that I made were directly from player feedback to existing spawns. 

To sum it up: Don't ask players about what themes they want, they don't know what they want. They want their time respected and it is your job to deliver something players will enjoy but also has to be adjustable in accordance to player feedback. 

Peace & happy new year 🙂 


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