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Slytherins (Gold)


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IGN: Samegaki
Play time: 94hrs
Favorite Generation: Gen VII
Interest in PRO: PvE & PvP (slight)
Event to look forward the most: Summer & Halloween

Dungeon experience: N/A

P.S Hi, guild lead ros! idk if you still remember me but I'm Oobib. You invited me over when you lent story mons to me. You probably wonder why not use the other account; well its pc is quite messed-up that's why i made a new one BUT this will be my main now. 
P.S.S thank you for reading xD



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Ign- Duytttt


Hours played-350 hrs


Fav generation- Gen 2


Interest is pro : I like a hard finght in pvp

Event I look for- Summer event


Discord tag- ondzy.


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Your IGN Komehoo

Your hours played: 468

Fav generation of Pokemon: 1/4

What's your interest in Pro?  pve mainly

What's the event you look forward to the most? Xmas,Summer

Dungeon experience? Good

Highest PVP rating none

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Hi i want to join your guild

Ing: Trayzor

140 hours in game

My fav gen is gen 5

Interest in propve

Event i look for- Halloween

Discord- ttai0801

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