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  3. Semi fresh careful Larvitar epic for the taking. Auction starts from first bid and will be 48 hours from first bid. Starting bid 1m Min bid 100k Insta 6m Accept cash and cc as 400k Bid here or in game. good luck everyone.
  4. Thanks a lot.it's working.mega has now latest updated client.I suggest everyone download this client from mega.
  5. start offer : 1,5m min raise : 100k insta price : 3m auction end 24 hours after 1st bid
  6. @Arrowde@Sayan12345678 I've encountered a similar issue before, but it only took me about 4-5 minutes on the patcher to resolve. Here's what you can try: 1. Delete the downloaded files once again, and then re-download them from Mega, the download provider. See if it works after that. 2. If you encounter the message "something went wrong," it's likely due to your antivirus software. Try making an exception for the "pro" client and then delete all the files. Afterward, download them again from Mega, which currently has the updated version of the game. It seems the DDL contains the old version. When I last checked, it wasn't updated, but I'm not sure if it's still outdated. I hope one of these methods helps you. ^^
  7. Hi. Thank you for contacting us. Indeed, Blaziken with Speed boost is a combination banned in PvP currently. For the evaluation of your Pokémon, I would recommend maybe you ask for a check on the All Chat of your server and players will better be able to tell you if your Pokémon is appropriate or not. Alternatively, there is a subforum section of the Trade forum section for price checks/rates. Here are the links for both Silver and Gold servers: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/forum/94-rateprice-checks-silver/ https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/forum/103-rateprice-checks-gold/ We hope the information provided will be useful to you. Please feel free to contact us again if you have any issues and good luck in your adventures! - Kubrick
  8. Me also can't play game.it showing downloading patch.but it stopped when almost download half complete. so wht should I do?
  9. Hey ! I recently redownloaded the game and while trying to reconfigure it, I put the resolution to the lowest one. Since then the game crash when I launch it and I can't manage to the open the console (pressing f2 doesn't do anything despite being on desktop). I tried to reinstall the game but the parameters are still the same. Do you know any solution to this problem ?
  10. S.O 4m min bid 100k end 24h 8.20am gmt +8 Insta 8m Accept cc = 400k
  11. Another quest done (gold)! Metagrosite, Alakazite, Medichamite, Lopunnite and Kami trio. Thnx much, GLhf!
  12. Yesterday
  13. Thanks for shopping wish you goodluck in your story!
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