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Punishment Policy.


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Punishment Policy

What is the Punishment Policy

The Punishment Policy is a system created to help the Staff Members to ensure that every single player is treated fairly and equally when it comes to issuing a punishment for a violation of the Game Rules.


It is good, however, to point out that punishments escalate based on the punishment history of the user being punished. For example, two users might receive different punishments (i.e., type of punishment + number of days) for breaking the same exact rule if one of them has already violated said rule while the other has not.



  • Severity levels : A method that staff use to help categorize the severity of various infractions.
  • Mute : Prevents the user from using Public Chats for a specified period of time.
  • Quiet Ban : Completely prevents the user from talking in PMs, Public Chats and Local Chat for a specified period of time.
  • Trade Ban : Prevents the user from trading or sending Mails for a specified period of time.
  • Temporary Server Ban : Completely prevents the user from logging in to the server for a specified period of time.
  • Perm Ban : Permanently prevents the user from logging in to the server.
  • Special Ban : A cutom ban that can be issued by Management and Administrators. Issued for really, really, bad things.
  • Continued S1/2/3 Infraction: Infraction of that severity repeated to a point it escalated to the next level.



Punishments & Severity

To reduce the amount of workaround and abuse, the duration of each punishment won't be disclosed to Players.



    • Inappropriate Behaviour.
    • Misuse of Channels & Languages.
    • Distribution of False Information.
    • Advertising of personal channels, other Pokemon games and services not related to PRO without permission. 
  •  PUNISHMENTS : Mutes, Quite Ban, Kick from server.

    • Inappropriate Behaviour.
    • Minor Spam.
    • Mini-Modding.
    • Plagiarising of other Users, Sites, Media etc.
    • Inappropriate Avatar/Signature.
    • Hidden Links/Messages in Avatar/Signature.
    • Avatar/Signature Containing Graphics Portraying PRO Ranks.
    • Excessive Spam.
    • Harassment.
    • Impersonating Staff.
    • Inappropriate Advertisement.
  • PUNISHMENTS : Forum Warning, Forum Ban, Suspension, Mute Bans.






    • Continued S1 Infractions.
    • Deplorable Behaviour (Hate Speech/Threats/Racism/Harassment).
    • Insulting & Harassing Staff.
    • Discussing Adult Content in Chats.
    • Disrespect and Toxic/Trashtalk behaviour directed to staff and users.
    • Staff Impersonation.
  • PUNISHMENTS : Mute Bans, Temp Bans, Perm Ban. 

    • False Offers/Selling/Lending.
    • Deceiving/Misleading.
    • Attempted Scam & Accomplice.
    • Successful Scam & Accomplice.
  • PUNISHMENTS : Trade Bans, Perm Ban.
    • Abuse of Bugged Moves & Breaking PvP Rules.
    • Illegitimate Rank Boosting.
    • Using more than two alternate Accounts in the Ranked Ladder.
    • Having Alternate Accounts on the End-Of-Season Top 25.
  • PUNISHMENTS : PvP Bans, Mute Bans, Temp Bans, Perm Ban, Rating reset, PvP Coin resets and Tournament Bans
    • Sending abusive mail. (Chat infraction via mail).
    • Mail spam.
  • PUNISHMENTS : Trade Bans, Temp Bans, Perm Ban.




    • Continued S2 Infractions.
    • Inappropriate Usernames.
    • False Screenshots/Evidence.
    • Account Hacking.
    • Inappropriate Use of Guild Logo/Plagiarism.
  • PUNISHMENTS : Perm Ban.
    • Mass Accounts.
    • Glitch Abuse & Accomplice.
    • Attempted AND/OR Successful RMT (Account/Pokemon/Pokedollar/Items Selling) & Accomplice.
    • Hiding the rule breaking information or culprit itself (both staff or player).
    • Use of Macros, Automated Software, Speedhack or Multiboxing.
  • PUNISHMENTS : Perm Ban.





    • Continued S3 Infractions.
    • Client Hacking/Modification.
    • Threats Against Server/Game.
    • Advertising/Links of Malicious Apps & Illicit Programs.
    • Staff violating Staff Rules
  • PUNISHMENTS : Perm Ban, Special Bans.




    • Leaking staff information (If Staff leaks it and then Player spread it instead of reporting to an Admin)
    • Excessive harassment towards staff.
  • PUNISHMENTS : Temp Bans, Perm Ban, Special Bans




  • The Punishment Policy is a guideline for staff, harsher or bespoke punishments can be added and issued by staff if the majority of the Moderation Team and Management Team agrees upon it.
  •  At any time, new punishment reasons may be added or changed to keep PRO as a healthy environment.
  • Staff are not immune to the rules and are trained to follow the PP whilst apprentices. Abuse of this can lead to demotion.



Credits to:

Nikola & PRO Moderation Team : Writing the first Punishment Policy and reference.

Daeon : Re-writing the Punishment Policy (Dec 2016).

Letrix : Revamping the PP and Punishment Policy reference.

Shinohara/Keita: Adjusted, Updated and Rewritten the Punishment Policy.

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