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  1. Thanks you for the quick answer !
  2. Just a question @Rockyraccoon, I was checking about the rules and something about the multiaccount was not really clear for me so I prefer asking. Like I said I played the game in 2016. I stopped in Hoenn iirc. I wanted a fresh start so I started from an another account i created in 2022 I guess but I played like one day or two. My question is if in the future I want to get back my trained pokemons, money and others for my old account is it considered illegal ? I Plan on doing this just one time when I will get to Hoenn on this account, I just be happy to get back the poke I trained back at this time ! Thank you by advance !
  3. Thanks, will check all these links !
  4. Hey ! Coming back after playing few months in 2016. Not gonna lie, the pcg pocket app brings the Pokemon fever in me . I was tired of playing the same old generation I was playing as a child (1st and 2nd) and I have a really positive memory of my pro experience back in the days, with the community and the challenge of the game. My friends have also stop playing the game few years ago, so I hope I can find people to share my love for this game !! See you in game !
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