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Natsufire2's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Re: Johnarious PvP pokemon store BACK. New pokes! <t>I would take the rain team bundle</t>
  2. 400k !
  3. how much ptera spd et tyranitar kanto ?
  4. Re: epic rain team and excadrill (20+iv) <t>How much politoed and excadrill ?</t>
  5. Re: Good iv s steelix s gyarados/s magnemite s hoppip <t>600k steelix</t>
  6. How much is the b.o for empoleon ?
  7. Re: PVP POKES!!! Added a lot pokes breloom techn :)) <t>400k breloom</t>
  8. Re: Natsufire2 Daycare shop cheap !! <t>Bump !</t>
  9. Sold insta to ryujin for 4.1m
  10. </SIZE> [glow=red]Shiny Staryu[/glow] <i></i> [glow=red] <SIZE size="150">B.O : 3m1 by Ryujin / insta 5m // auctions finish at 1 hour at my actual time <i>[/glow]</i>
  11. Re: Natsufire2 Daycare shop cheap !! <t>No my prices is for one level xD</t>
  12. Re: Natsufire2 shop ! ABRA shiny added / gliscor impish/ epic kingdra swiftswim and others pokes <t>bump !!</t>
  13. Selling this abra shiny starting[glow=red]b.o 400k / insta 800k[/glow]
  14. Re: *NEW UPDATES* eLL Shop <t>How much Scizor ?</t>
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