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Everything posted by Terrortrippe

  1. Where did I gave false information? By asking a question: "Did you seen one before? :p" (I didn't see one before so I asked) Exactly thats my point I didnt gave any false information! So stop pointing fingers forwards me! And act like I'm not trustworthy with your trash talk about me! (If you want me to open a book about people that rather be rich than trustworthy we can go on and on for days like your guild friend) And did I not ask everyone included you to be quiet if its not bidding related so be respectful and stop commenting. Because of you guys it became salty in the first place! Always wanna buy things cheap and put it in your private shop! Always be negative because of jealousy (if your not jealous you wont reply and just skip this topic with a laugh). Not everyone has the same interests and thats understandable. Just be quiet if you dont like the price for the tier it is. No one is forcing anyone to bid or to buy, its a auction. Please dont reply again with nonsense! -Bidding only
  2. Is it so hard to be quiet?! No respect what so ever. I dont need your opinion or explanation. Its a auction not a talk channel. If you dont agree with my price move to the next topic. Instate of repieding your self over and over! And in the mean time promoting your own personal shop by answering after i clearly sad only biddings!! People like you are a shame for this forum. Pls dont reply and stay away from this auction if you dont wanna bid on this shiny unown.
  3. Its simple i dont want any trades or what so ever. I dont have to hear its tier 1 or 2. Its still a rare shiny even so its "common". If the price is to high go and catch your own! No more trash talk or low balling it!! Only offers from now on.. 1m s.o or 2.5m insta! If the price doesnt suit you be quiet and leave this topic! The price wont be changed and no trades. Cash only! Thanks and goodluck.
  4. Can you all pls stop this nonsense. Its a auction not talk channel. Only biddings if not please dont reply. No one is forced to buy one and everyone can make up his own mind or to offer or not!
  5. Have you seen one before ? :p
  6. Have you seen one before ? :p
  7. -S.O 1M -Insta 2.5M 48 hours Starts when the first auction is acknowledge!
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