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  1. What is your Discord tag? Rainbow Kitty@#9462 How often do you use Discord? Daily If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? maybe add a help text channel for people who need help on the story, quests, or events
  2. I was trying to catch the regice we get from the christmas event and I accidentally tapped run away instead of item bag when I was tossing pokeballs. Is it gone for good?
  3. I feel like you are getting everything completely wrong. I'm not sure where you are getting the idea of having free IVs cause obviously free permanent stats is terrible. Like I said you need to spend time and effort to do certain objectives often. Like you said time and effort should be rewarding which is the point of this idea. It's suppose to take more time and effort than hunting. And it does matter how much time it would take because there's a thing called efficiency. And your suggestion for evening the play field does the exact opposite of evening the play field. Believe it or not, some people can actually be never lucky and may never get a stronger pokemon. Even if a player does get a better stated pokemon then the opposing player would be at a disadvantage. That is not evening the play field at all. This is not meant to be free. It requires extra effort and time. The part about new players you understood completely wrong. I'm talking about new players and their resources vs older players and their resources not new player knowledge vs older player knowledge. Obviously a player with experience is gonna do better with a player without experience. I have no clue where you are going with that. And the IV resetting thing was terribly implemented. That idea was on an entirely different level. The game should be about if you spend the time and effort then you should get it. Not entirely on if you spend the time and effort you get a chance of getting it.
  4. Never said it was completely free. Still need to hunt a lot and still need to do certain things to get these stat boosts.
  5. Well based on what I've seen, this game revolves around how much time and effort you put into it. Which is what my suggestion is based on. Yes you can settle on something decent and fix it later, but it would still take a large amount of time. More time than it would take hunting for something with good IVs. It's not meant to be a shortcut. It's meant to be an addition. And you also seemed to be worried about balance, but the whole point of this entire idea itself is about balance. The whole point is that ALL players will eventually end up with an even playing field. You said new players won't stand a chance, but that logic theoretically applies with the way it is now. Players who have played longer and spent more time hunting is more likely to have strong pokemon than a player who is new. Besides, there's a ranking system and obviously people with god pokemon would be at the top and new players would be at the bottom with the rest of the new players. They will climb in time as their pokemon slowly gets stronger.
  6. The way I suggested it is suppose to take longer than hunting But only in total right? You can still be offline for a month and increase few Iv´s. Thats how I understood it. Correct me if Im wrong. not sure what you mean by in total. In total of what? And no, you still need to log in occasionally to obtain the IVs. Similar to collecting berries except much longer. So far, my favorite idea was the boss battle one with a random stat boost reward that way its just not free easy stats. So you still have to hunt a ton and get decent starting IVs and top it off with that stat boosts or just stock up on stat boosts over the weeks or months and put it on a low stated IV.
  7. Vitamis = 10 secons effort, hunting = many hours. :shrug: But I dont like the idea, I like it how it is even when it sucks to hunt hours for hours and nothing good appears. The way I suggested it is suppose to take longer than hunting
  8. Well it's suppose to be just a secondary option. It's a more reliable way to get the IVs you want, but just takes a lot longer. Sure you can spend all your time hunting and it's probably quicker than what I suggested. It's more for the heavily unfortunate players who spend hours hunting and end up with nothing. It's so they have at least something.
  9. IVs have always been a big thing in pokemon and can make a difference between living with 1 hp or losing. I can see that there was a IV reset button already in the game. Maybe a rare item or NPC can be found to enable it for one use. However, I don't think this would be the best way to do it. Here are some other ideas: A quest that unlocks a building with a special NPC. Talk to him for special training to power up one IV stat of your choice on a single pokemon. Can be used once every 7 amount of days. - Available to all players - Simple and easy - No RNG - May take possibly weeks or months to max a single IV stat depending on starting point. An NPC that sells special vitamins that restock every 15 days. Similar to how the actual vitamins raise EV, these one raise IV by one instead. Not sure what good pricing for something like this is, but I would say 50,000. - Requires a good amount of money which require more effort - No RNG - Can raise all IVs at once every 15 days at a high price A boss battle that rewards a special vitamin. Maybe around Brock's difficulty. Resets every 3 days. - An actual pokemon battle - Can be seen as training to power up your pokemon - Random vitamin rewarded That's all I can think of right now. Of course, these could be changed around to what seems best for the game. Resets could be shorter or longer and the stat given could be changed to random or not random. Please understand that this is suppose to be a secondary approach besides hunting, not to replace hunting. It's suppose to be a more reliable way of obtaining good stated pokemon, with the tradeoff of being much longer. It's still pretty much a requirement to hunt to get a good start off point to boost these stats. A pokemon starting with an IV attack of 23 would obviously take weeks longer than a pokemon starting with 28 attack. In other words, it should be used in combination with hunting. If a player gets too unlucky then they can just save up stat boosts overtime. Feel free to leave your own suggestions. Just a note, I believe having a cooldown on something like this is important to keep the game balanced. Without a cooldown, everyone would be running around with perfect pokemon on day 1 when it should be taking weeks and months to perfect a pokemon. Maybe even a whole year!
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