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About Nworbw

  • Birthday 05/19/1995

Personal Information

  • Career
    Stocker of the Night
  • Occupation
    Stocker of the Night

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  1. Hi there, I joined a little over a week ago, figured I could get around to making an introduction. Full disclosure I probably won't ever be very active on the forums, I'm a fairly shy person so I tend to only be vocal when I'm around smaller groups. Anyway, hello. I am naver. As with I assume most people here I have been a lifelong fan of Pokemon. I've always just stuck to the solo stuff, though. I hadn't played any in a couple years, but happened to see a Minecraft Pokemon LP on YouTube and it put me in the mood. So I wound up here (on yellow), and I've since been playing a few minutes a day on my work breaks. I just got past Brock and I've been enjoying it so far. While I don't expect to ever really be good at it, I'd at some point down the road like to try out the competitive thing, and join a guild and all that. My favourite Pokemon are Growlithe, Rattata, and Lombre -w- Pokeaside, I enjoy PC and XBox gaming (historically I've always been a Sony girl, but I happened to wind up with the One for free so like, not gonna turn that down.), and am a DnD nerd. Enjoy reading, writing, the existence of dogs. I am stranded in middle-of-nowhere Alabama, so the internet is pretty much my life outside of work. I guess that's enough of an intro, but I'll throw in some random favourites to finish it off: Purple, Spaghetti, Mount and Blade: Warband, PS2, Trumpet, Dogs, Russian. If you are curious what games I have or wish to attempt conversing with me (not recommended) steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198098144186 discord: naver#9029 I also have a YouTube and Twitch but I won't shame myself by sharing those. Thanks for reading, bye bye ~
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