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Everything posted by Fraolinch

  1. Pretty much, yes.
  2. It would be great to not have in-game mods that arbitrarily kick players from the server, especially during peak traffic times with hour-long queues. Example: a mod seems to be kicking players arbitrarily as I post this (saw people complaining about it in the Help chan), and I just fell victim of it myself.
  3. Bump with new information: sleep status stops the curse ticks. Ticks resume upon removal of the status.
  4. Thanks for the answers, that's all I needed to know.
  5. To make it short, I'm unsure about what exactly happens when you report a trade scammer. If you agree with someone to trade your pokémon and then back just to evolve it (for example, trading your Haunter for any random pokémon, then trading back to get the resulting Gengar), but the other player decides to run off with your Gengar and you report them (providing necessary proof), what does the staff do about it? Do they only suspend the scammer, or can they actually give you your pokémon back too? I'd really like to be certain before I try to find someone to help me evolve my Haunter. Thanks in advance. EDIT: thanks Elizoh for helping me evolve my Haunter. Still looking for an official answer from the staff regarding what happens when you report a scammer, though.
  6. Which of them are?
  7. Fraolinch

    Rare Hunters

    Is this guild still recruiting?
  8. I'll get to the point, here are a few suggestions I believe could improve the chat system: - The channel list that you get when clicking on the wrench should display all channels available, instead of just those you've joined. - Change the "X" button to one that allows you to either join or leave a channel, instead of only leaving. - A new player, when first logging into the game, instead of having 6 channels automatically joined should see only one special channel with explanations on how to use the chat system in it. For example, it would display this message: "Welcome to Pokémon Revolution Online! To join a channel, click the wrench on the bottom right of this chat box or type /cgjoin <ChannelName> directly in the chat. Please keep in mind that all channels are English-only aside from the language-specific channels, such as "France"." - (Probably not very useful yet) A way to customize chat tabs so you can see multiple channels in a single tab (not counting the current "Local" tab). You create a tab, then a window opens allowing you to name the tab, and pick which channels to display in it. Of course, that would need to come with new chat commands, such as /h to talk in the "Help" channel, /a to talk in the "All" channel etc. Now I'm guessing improvements to the chat might already be planned and you surely have other priorities, but the current state of the chat, with people speaking in languages other than English constantly (mostly French), made me think that I might as well make this thread.
  9. You should maybe give us some more details, like how many pokémon the leader had remaining, if any of them had status effects (poison, burn...), if you were about to finish the last pokémon, etc.
  10. I agree that proper communication with your playerbase is key to developing a live game, but in the case of small-scale, independent projects like this one with no budget or "proper" dev team, you have to expect lack of said communication at times. Now I have to say I have only been around for a short time, so I don't know how it's been since this whole thing started. If they haven't been communicating when they could/should (are awake and actively working on the game when things are happening), then in that case, yes, it's their bad. But if the lack of communication comes mostly from, say, server crashing while they're asleep/at work/at college/whateverIRLreason, then you can't really blame them.
  11. - Literally the post you'd just read.
  12. - Literally the game's website homepage.
  13. It seems that a Pokémon afflicted with both the confusion status and curse (used by a ghost-type pkm) will not take damage damage from the curse tick if it took damage from the confusion that turn. Unsure if this is specific to either the Confusion or Curse effect or if this could be replicated with other forms of indirect damage such as entry hazard, weather hazard, status effect, etc. Example: Gastly uses curse on Quagsire. Quagsire takes curse damage that turn. Next turn, Gastly uses confuse ray on Quagsire. Quagsire hits itself in confusion, takes damage from it but the curse tick doesn't apply. EDIT: I had done a search before posting and it didn't return anything, but when I browsed manually through the forums I found this topic I'll leave this thread up since the other one is locked, the devs seemingly thinking the issue was resolved. However it would seem that it really isn't. Again, this issue will need to be tested with various forms of indirect damage.
  14. It would seem you don't get a prompt to learn poison jab at all when Nidorino grows to lvl 43. I don't have any other details to share on this issue yet. Edit: you still can get it from the Move Relearner.
  15. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <r><B><s></s>1. What is your nickname in PRO?<e></e></B><br/> <br/> Fraolinch<br/> <br/> <B><s></s>2. What is your favorite Pokemon type and what would be your favorite Pokemon and why?<e></e></B><br/> <br/> Hmm... I'm no good at picking favorites for anything, really. But if I had to pick one, I guess it'd either be Poison or Ghost. Now for my favorite Pokémon... There are just too many I love for me to pick one. But for the sake of playing along I'll go with Swampert, or maybe Giratina-Origin.<br/> <br/> <B><s></s>3. Are you ambitious person and what is your ambition in PRO?<e></e></B><br/> <br/> I'm not really the ambitious type. I take competitive-based or competitive-like video-games seriously but only to an extent. I always try to perfect my strategy or whatever the game I play asks of me to get better but I don't aim to be the best player in the world or anything. I play for fun, and it just so happens that I take some fun out of competition.<br/> <br/> <B><s></s>4. What made you to join on this journey with us?<e></e></B><br/> <br/> Eh, you guys just seem swell. Honestly all I'm looking for is a bunch of cool peeps to play pokémon with.<br/> <br/> <B><s></s>5. What is your final objective in PRO?<e></e></B><br/> <br/> Get good pokémon, battle tough players, trade... basically play the game I've loved since my childhood, just in a slightly different way.</r>
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