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Frosterizer's Achievements



  1. What's your Player name (IGN)? Frosterizer Number of hours played? 459 hours What's your favourite Pokemon? charizard What country are you from? Australia How old are you? 26 Which server do you play on? silver
  2. 198 - murkrow 211 - qwilfish 228 - houndour 233 - porygon2 235 - smeargle 252 - treeko 274 - nuzleaf 276 - taillow 290 - nincada 294 - loudred 300 - skitty 324 - torkoal 331 - cacnea 339 - barboach 355 - duskull 371 - bagon 374 - ??? 387 - turtwig 390 - chimchar 408 - cranidos 410 - shieldon 414 - mothim 425 - ??? 431 - glameow 449 - hippopotas 453 - croagunk 495 - ??? 498 - ??? 501 - ??? 506 - lillipup 633 - ??? pm me in game
  3. Selling my lvl 20 xmas sentret offer me prices
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