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Hello there I have been working on a fan fic novel called Arkham Beyond, which happens to tell the tale of Terry McGinnis from Batman Beyond. I have been a fan of the Beyond series and have pondered many times on why they have let such a good series go to waste. Here is the prologue to my novel. It mostly has the events at the end of Arkham Knight so if you have not played the game or know of the ending do not keep reading. I'm posting this to see if any of you can spot any errors that I have not seen or put some input on what I could do to word it better or general thoughts on where I should go with it. Prologue: The Death of Bruce Wayne “It’s time for Knightfall.” Bruce Wayne said to Alfred through his communication earpiece while standing atop the GCPD building. The wind blew vigorously making his cape strafe to his left for a moment. Then the wind calmed lowering his cape down aligning with his form. He glanced at the bat signal for a moment, pressed a button on the side of his mask releasing the grip on his head, and then took the mask off. Bruce held the cowl in his hands staring at it in disbelief that after all these years it was finally over. Not only did everyone in Gotham know who he was, but he was convinced that he no longer can take the role of caretaker for this city. As he gazed upon the mask he didn’t just see an item to hide his identity. He had seen a reflection of himself. For many years he not only took on this identity but it took apart of him away. At times he believed that he was no longer Bruce Wayne. For the first time in a long time he felt that gut wrenching feeling he once had when his parents were taken from him. Bruce dropped the mask down to his side and once again stared at the bat signal. Then with an overwhelming sigh he released the mask from his grip and turned to face the city of Gotham. He heard the cowl bounce a couple times behind him creating a clanking noise with the metal he stood upon. The night was thick and rich. Only the lights from the buildings and the bat signal behind him pierced the veil of darkness illuminating the abyss. He pressed the communication piece in his ear to contact Jim Gordon. “It’s done. Gotham is safe.” Never did he ever expect to say those words. “Thank you Bruce, for everything.” Gordon replied. “Good-bye Jim.” Bruce said ending the conversation. An ear piercing sound echoed in the distance. When he looked over he saw the bat wing making its way toward him. He didn’t dare look at his city again. The bat wing finally made its way to him and hovered over his head for a moment. Bruce reached down to his utility belt and grabbed his bat claw. Aiming it to the sky he hooked it onto the batwing and began to ascend into the aircraft, immediately launching toward Wayne manor. The bat signal shattered from the force of the thrusters on the back of the bat wing. As he flew he saw below him a swarm of police cars with their lights on and sirens roaring take over the streets. They wanted their city back willing to go the distance to get it. Within moments he had reached his destination. A swarm of news reporters smothered the land outside his front gates. You would have thought that there wasn’t a speck of land to see with how many there were. Many struggled to reach the gates in hope of an interview with the caped crusader, but when he had landed he had shown no interest in feeding the mob. He only gave them a look like he had failed them all. Bruce slowly walked up the steps of his mansion one last time. Alfred met him at the front door, “Are you sure you want to do this Master Bruce?” He wasted no time asking. Rhetorical questions are quite the irony. “I’ve got to. It’s the only way to protect them.” He finished as he walked through the broad wooden doors, placing his hand on Alfred’s shoulder for a moment then continuing on. “Very well.” Alfred said disappointingly. ********************************* Gordon made his way into the GCPD, and instantly walked back to his office where Barbara was. She sat in her wheel chair in front of a 22 inch T.V. that every once in a while gave out a static noise. “What are you watching?” He asked her. He looked at the screen, no longer needing an answer, but she gave one anyway. “Bruce just made it back to his house. Not too long ago he walked inside.” She answered turning the volume up. Gordon folded his arms focusing his attention to the T.V. A reporter named Vicky Vale appeared on the screen. “We just saw Bruce Wayne, now known to be the masked vigilante Batman, enter his home refusing to comm-“ but before she could finish her statement the mansion exploded immediately engulfing the mansion in flames. The fires from the explosions reflected in Barbara’s glasses. Many gave out screams at the gates and began to flee the scene. The camera soon cut out and the transmission was lost. Barbara reached up and turned the T.V. off, then dropped her head. Jim Gordon in shock made his way to his chair behind his desk, stumbling a couple times from feeling so weak, and then flopped down into his leather seat. He patted his front pockets searching for his tobacco pipe. It took him a couple times before he remembered it had fallen out during the escapade with Scarecrow. Thank god he kept a spare one in the desk. Jim opened up the top drawer; it gave out a slight shrieking noise, and took out the pipe inside of it along with his pipe tobacco. He placed a pinch into the bowl and struck a match against the matchbook in his other hand. With shaking hands he struggled to light the bowl, but eventually managed to get it sparked. His face illuminated from the embers of the pipe. After a long puff he finally exhaled the smoke, calming his nerves. “This is how it happened…… This is how the Batman died.” He couldn’t believe the words that came out of his mouth. Barbara looked over at him, rolled her chair to the side of his desk, and placed her hand on his knee. She had nothing to say. What could she say to fill the void in her father’s heart, to fill the void in her heart? Barbara simply gave a weak smile, and then left the room to leave him in peace. Leaving the building she entered the alleyway next to the GCPD building. She reached into her pocket for her phone and began to call someone. The person she called answered, “Hello? Barbara?” “Amanda Waller…… Initiate Project Batman Beyond.”
Like listening to music??? Like game vids???
Tcbxlonewolf replied to Tcbxlonewolf's topic in General Off-Topic
Thank you very much I am still working on this album I'm hoping to get 10-13 songs in it. I just release them at different times to span out people listening to it instead of dropping the whole album -
Listen buddy if you look back on my post i clearly say "I like the GBA graphics" i wasn't insulting your graphics engine someone else got butthurt when I said GBA graphics. And I didn't say it had to be done overnight I said it needs alot of work. I shall say it again I really enjoy the game but I do not think the exp is the same as the consoles and the damage threshold is very low for the pokemon that i use. It didn't matter about IV's and EV's when you go through the story in the consoles you only EV trained after you beat the elite four and it was only used for online battles against other players. To say that you are not a good coder is a lie you are really good at what you do and the other people who work on it are equally as good. I was not trying to insult your skills, because they are really good, I was just saying my opinion. Please read these statements correctly
I never denied it was a good game. I really enjoy the game in fact most people who try to make this kind of game fail horribly as where you guys have not. I clearly stated that it needs alot of work. I am simply giving my review of the game and others who have reviewed this game have said things 10 times worse than what I said. We live in a world full of critics and when I see a game with very good potential I tend to give my opinion. This is a very good game and the work you have put in really shows it's just there is some stuff to fix. I'm sorry if I insulted you I was just trying to give my review.
Where are the 3D models then??? Nope it's GBA graphics. The exp gain sucks that's why they put a exp boost in the store. I didn't say anything about EV's except I asked if they were like the other games. It has a lot of improvement and for an admin to mouth off like that shows that the staff isn't very professional. Let me ask you if nintendo even knows about this game???
Check out my YouTube channel I upload as much as I can. I do reviews on top titles and even produce my own musical beats. Wanna check em out??? Here is a link to the first beat I've ever made called: Blank Man from my musical album The Connection Between Us All [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo] If you subscribe to my channel I will subscribe to yours just message me the link to your channel with a little note that you have subscribed and I will subscribe to yours!!! Hope you enjoy!!!!
Once again i will say the gym leaders aren't hard, the trainers are on the routes. I know how to play pokemon i one shotted brock with mankey and poliwag
Sadly the gym battles are easy it's the trainers that are op. And no after Brock and Misty you pretty much one shot Lt. Surge, Erica, Koga (Except for Muk) Sabrina because psycic pokemon have horrible defense all around, and by the time you reach Blane you already have a water type which in return helps you beat Giovanni. And actually Charmander is the most overused and overpowered starter for Kanto. Check your facts before you argue with a veteran kiddo. The start wasn't that rough it's the trainers after brocks gym they are so op it's retarded most of my team on shots all those trainers on console
I understand that the fact it's a mmo you want to make it hard like a mmo. But truth be told mmo's aren't hard at all. The only time they are hard is when you reach max level and heroic or mythic raid. I was told it was out of beta so I'm sorry for jumping the gun on that. You should at least show us a guide on what we should use. And your point on having the right nature makes us use up our pokeballs which cost the same as the game but you don't get as much money as you do in the game. I literally battled for three hours and only gained 300 dollars. That isn't challenging, that's b.s. People come to this game to experience the joy of the old games not have everything taken away from them. I'm telling you this because if you want more of a fan base then you will want to do the same as the console games. It is a very cool game I like the GBA graphics on it but the damage threshold needs to be buffed because no one is going to stick around a game to where you're level 14 and get wiped by level 11 pokemon
So after finally being able to download the game I jump in without knowing the water was cold. In the original games you were able to fight against many trainers before having to scurry back to the pokecenter. Not the case in this game. Every pokemon that i have caught does little damage and has the weakest damage threshold in any game I have ever played to the point a trainer who has lower level pokemon seems to wipe me out. You barely get exp at all which frustrates me because it is forcing me to do grind time beyond belief that I don't necessarily have the time for. I have heard many great things about this game and I have yet to see what everyone has been talking about. There is only one server so if the server is full sorry buddy you don't get to play and I don't think that is fair to the people who pay for their membership. Usually starter pokemon lead the pack in attack but the charmander that I chose seems to get wiped faster than a team of caterpie. I have played many free to play games and have had better luck shooting though the levels. The main focus should be on damage threshold I should not be getting wiped by a pidgey who is 3 levels lower than me I'm not getting the concept of this game.I have EV trained on every pokemon game there ever was and I would like to ask if this games pokemon give out the same EVs as the others. :n: :n: :n:
I know i'm going to sound like an idiot but how exactly do you do that??? I can't find the extract option
I keep trying and trying even looked up on youtube how to do it but it doesn't give me the client only the rar which when i click it it asks me how i want to open it and everytime i click ok on the file it keeps popping up the window on how i want to open it. I'm running on windows 10 someone please help