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  1. Hi guys. I do notice a bug in my main quest at goldenroad guard. But for the first. im following the goldenroad guide in our forum. Link below https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7825 Exactly at the point below. 4. Talk to Michael for basement key 5. Prepare a Pokémon with sleep powder/spore in your team. Why i call it a bug ? Because I do all steps related in guide, also im following the video. I do talk with Michael, who gave me a fresh water (Also talked with him 2 times before make this post, same for the step 3). But when I try to delivery for the first time, i didnt have a sleep powder. Ok, so I capture a oddish and train him. Just got this sleep powder. But the pokemon choose option didnt appear to me after try to give a drink. So nothing happens. I try to switch oddish from 5 slot to 1. Nothing happens I try to rewind the steps from guide. They say im in exactly at 5 step. So... Im stucked, i cant go on in main quest. Just waiting your guys to solve this
  2. Hi friend You can use paypal interface with your own website interface. Im talking with you guys about my problem with transaction paypal-pokerevolution. But in sinteshis, I can only pay with credit card, i cant use my paypal credits (already confirmed by paypal btw). Thats inconfortable for me, im not american, im Brazillian, which means i need to pay taxes high as the sky to acess a international credit card. So i do prefer put my credits in paypal with bank transaction. But i cant pay you guys with this method. Same method who I use for steam and other games
  3. Hi there guys, im here to suggest a improvement in the coin market. Im expericing trouble with paypal to buy coins - I cant use my wallet funds to buy Also, im not pretty clear about the function of the itens. It must be better if you guys want capitalize some cash. Att,
  4. Ola =D Eu jogo no servidor red... vcs poderiam me add ? Qual o seu objetivo ao se juntar a nossa guilda? R: Ter pessoas para conversar enquanto passo o tempo jogando Qual é o seu principal objetivo no jogo? R: me divertir e relembrar de toda serie Para você, qual é a graça de jogar Pokémon? R: conversar e relembrar dos jogos da serie poke =) firezin13
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