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Posts posted by Kryru

  1. 103199 welcome to pro :)

    nice art pieces btw

    but be wary of doctor6

    Ahh? Why? :Question:

    103187 Thanks for the welcomes! Have you both been playing Poke-rev long?? :Shy:


    Just a couple of days! I tend to dive in and marathon...and I found out ways I can play at work. >:)

    (Two small pieces of advice: you can find Pikachu in the wild, and GET MORE THAN ONE GROUND TYPE BEFORE VERMILION FOR THE LOVE OF ---)


    Ahaha- I'm just past Misty right now. :D I have a pikachu, but I dont use it, i just needed the back up.

    I'm playing with a group where we're doing " uniques" So we all talk as we play and make sure no one has the any same pokemon as another. Proving to be harder for me as I'm a lot slower with the game.

  2. Hello! I'm Kryru and I love pokemon!

    I'm currently playing the game through with a few friends.. Veeeryyy slowly haha- But that's because it's hard to all be online at the same time.


    I chose Bulbasaur as my starter too, which is really hard for me as I usually take Squirtle even though they're both SO CUTE.

    I don't really like charmander to be honest? I like charmelion, but bot Charazard. Hm.. Is that strange? Mid evolution is the only cool one in my opinion.


    I'll mostly be using the forums to post in the art section and maybe help section if I get stuck as I am not a very good pokemon trainer and I am playing for aesthetics and to my Avitars " personality" type I've invented.

    Feel free to start a conversation with me here, or in my art thread:



    :Heart: :thanks: :Smile:

  3. Hey there! I doodle when I play games, and currently me and a few friends are playing this game through ( VERY SLOWLY) so it gives me plenty of time between sessions to treat our little run as if it was a little anime/comic thing.

    We're each playing through in a way we all catch different types of pokemon, no doubles if we can help it.


    The first mock ups for our character designs with our starters!

    In order from left to right:

    Timbruh, Meowingt0n and Kryru




    Although mine is the only one not based off of myself since I wanted to add a cute girl to the mix.



    My characters design complete: 0vNCM11.png


    After playing for a little while Meowingt0n and myself had a few pokemon while Timbruh was still having trouble getting a slot to get his squirtle.




    We've continued forward through Mt.moon and I've yet to draw any of our HORRIBLE cave experiences.



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