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  1. Hey, I'm having trouble downloading the game. My hard drive died so I'm trying to reinstall but the links are dead for me. Any tips?
  2. Allowing rematches for gym leaders gives players (A little) more to do. As of now, all I'm doing is grinding for E4 and waiting for cooldown. I COULD farm pokes for good EV/IV and make money but that's very boring(for me). There are plenty of things that could make this game more enjoyable when you're not stuck behind a time/progression wall, hopefully many more features will be implemented.
  3. Oh, I remember this kind of system in a maplestory private server. Would go AFK and get mostly boring items but some rare one's too. This would be a nice addition if we can get rewards from it.
  4. Lowering the time by half would help a lot and so would an actual timer, have a guard by the door and tell us when we can go :3. There is nothing to do, for the average player at least, once you're training/trained up besides waiting that nasty 24 hrs.. Off Topic: For others they can farm for good IV/EV pokes and sell them but not everyone does that
  5. *Before anyone say's why this is a bad idea: I'm just throwing this out there and don't care if this is a thing or not. Can't we all just dream? :Angel: *I am also suggesting this because the game is already amazing! I just don't want to train/grind, beat kanto, johto (whatever else is coming), and be done. *This will also give the players something to do if there bored of training or have to wait to fight E4 again. Hi, I just joined PRO a couple of days ago and it's been fun. I know the in and outs of these pokemon games so it's kinda been a breeze (storyline, not the training or gyms lol). I also joined because its way more lively then playing a ROM, seeing all the people walking, talking in chat, it's just fun being around people who enjoy the same thing as you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyway, sorry to get a lil mushy, but I came here to see what you guys think of a crafting system? I know the game is still fresh, and I don't want to seem like I'm begging or demanding this be here, but imagine(with the grinding and such) if we could craft special/rare items? This isn't a mind blowing feature, plenty of games have it and I understand that this a Pokemon 'MMO'. Don't want to get too crazy with that term but a guy in chat told me I have to 'get used to playing MMO's' because I thought the price of the bike was outrageous(because of how little we earned, I was in shock). Seeing I was at the point of the game where you get the voucher, I thought it was free. After pondering for a while, I thought to myself "Well, he has a point, it is an MMO" and every MMO I played (with mounts) had some type of crazy price. SO I thought of this crazy feature, and said, Why not? I mean, it has great potential for future content! *Spit balling here: >We can make use of the berry system, meh? Grow ingredients along side berries **>Have rematches w/special trainers and gym leaders and they give you certain crafting item's >Different regions and island's have crafting item's specific to that region/island >Certain pokemon have a chance of holding >Digging gives special items (haven't tried this feature in game so idk what it does at the moment lol) I have a couple of more suggestions but I'll make another thread of them! (lol stay tuned I guess) TL;DR: Crafting system for special/rare items :3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Adding rematches + cooldowns to certain trainers and gym leaders would sharpen the 'MMO' aspect of this game
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