*Before anyone say's why this is a bad idea: I'm just throwing this out there and don't care if this is a thing or not. Can't we all just dream? :Angel:
*I am also suggesting this because the game is already amazing! I just don't want to train/grind, beat kanto, johto (whatever else is coming), and be done.
*This will also give the players something to do if there bored of training or have to wait to fight E4 again.
Hi, I just joined PRO a couple of days ago and it's been fun. I know the in and outs of these pokemon games so it's kinda been a breeze (storyline, not the training or gyms lol). I also joined because its way more lively then playing a ROM, seeing all the people walking, talking in chat, it's just fun being around people who enjoy the same thing as you.
Anyway, sorry to get a lil mushy, but I came here to see what you guys think of a crafting system?
I know the game is still fresh, and I don't want to seem like I'm begging or demanding this be here, but imagine(with the grinding and such) if we could craft special/rare items? This isn't a mind blowing feature, plenty of games have it and I understand that this a Pokemon 'MMO'. Don't want to get too crazy with that term but a guy in chat told me I have to 'get used to playing MMO's' because I thought the price of the bike was outrageous(because of how little we earned, I was in shock). Seeing I was at the point of the game where you get the voucher, I thought it was free.
After pondering for a while, I thought to myself "Well, he has a point, it is an MMO" and every MMO I played (with mounts) had some type of crazy price. SO I thought of this crazy feature, and said, Why not? I mean, it has great potential for future content!
*Spit balling here:
>We can make use of the berry system, meh? Grow ingredients along side berries
**>Have rematches w/special trainers and gym leaders and they give you certain crafting item's
>Different regions and island's have crafting item's specific to that region/island
>Certain pokemon have a chance of holding
>Digging gives special items (haven't tried this feature in game so idk what it does at the moment lol)
I have a couple of more suggestions but I'll make another thread of them! (lol stay tuned I guess)
TL;DR: Crafting system for special/rare items :3
**Adding rematches + cooldowns to certain trainers and gym leaders would sharpen the 'MMO' aspect of this game