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Everything posted by Skuriken

  1. Bro...i'm waiting for you
  2. I could have paid 1.8m for it :c
  3. Lol you say the offers over 4p.m n you over 3 p.m...i can offer more for magnezone
  4. I will take the porygon max speed for 1m, pm me in game or here : skuriken
  5. Re: 4x31 ivs Venusaur <r><QUOTE author="Red05"><s> </e></QUOTE> You have b.o...24hrs to over The auction</r>
  6. Hi Guys Selling this venusaur 4x31. Start: 2m...someone offer me this. Insta: 5m. https://i.imgur.com/T9iH07g.jpg When The first guy give The first offer The auction start. GL for all :)
  7. Re: nice + good iv timid porygon ! <r>Bump <E>:Heart-eyes:</E></r>
  8. 350k :Heart:
  9. 300k :thanks:
  10. 120k :Crazy:
  11. Re: YeanlingStew674 lv100 shop <t>400k h/a dragonite :D</t>
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