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Posts posted by Charcuterie

  1. Just posting to say that I 100% agree with BurntToACrisp. David - LC Virtuoso is the most time-consuming boss to battle because people who did it had to re-farm a boss team, thus investing money and, more importantly, time. And it is completely 100% useless. I mean, why would I battle 6 (!) times a boss that is so far away, grind a team of 6 pokémon making sure they don't reach lvl 26 just to get a stupid syncable t8 mon that i can find anywhere else ? I also felt betrayed when I saw he didn't give an easter mon. That just doesn't make any sense, and I don't think it was written anywhere that this kid had become so useless, so basically we had a much worse version than last year (because of the stupid cooldowns), and most importantly it was a gigantic waste of time. I probably invested 100k pokédollars and maybe 6 hours in total just to SEE A STUPID MUNCHLAX THAT I WOULD BE ABLE TO FIND LITERALLY ANYWHERE ELSE. What. The. F. At least make it CLEAR for EVERYONE that David is a WASTE OF TIME.


    Top 1 anime betrayal.

    • Like 1
  2. I just suggested to add an entrance fee to guilds, but maybe the fee should be adapted to the number of players there are in the guild, say 10k per person and so on. It doesn't really matter how much it costs, my main point is to make the guild island accessible to everyone, even to non-pvp players like me. And, tbh, I find PvP so boring that I'd rather pay 1 million than score 100 points. I don't think the fee should be personal though, because it still is a *guild* island, so it wouldn't make any sense if one player had access to it but not his teammates.


    I appreciate your answers, thank you for taking time to state your opinion.

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  3. I completely understand the purpose of creating a guild island : it's indeed a good way to encourage people to play PvP more often, and since PvP is (or at least looks like) the ultimate purpose of the game, it encourages everything else, including spending money on capsule coins in order to be able to buy good pokémons. I have nothing against that all, on the contrary, I think this is a very good idea.


    However, the fact that only the 3 strongest guilds in the game can access the island has a drawback that can already be seen : people who are strong at PvP or who at least have a good Elo are changing guilds to secure their top 3 spot. What does it mean exactly ? Basically, we'll soon have 3 guilds with the best players on each server (and, most likely, the guilds will be the same in both servers) and the other guilds will have no chance to compete at all, and I really don't think it's a good thing. Basically, a few hours ago, in my guild (French Connexion), half of the players left to merge with another guild in order to make sure they would have the guild island. Is that what you wanted by making the guild island ? Well, if it was the case, then you did well. If it wasn't what you wanted to happen, there's a simple way to make things more balanced, and that's what I'll be suggesting :

    Each month, in the previous month guildladder

    1st guild would have access to the guild island for free

    2nd guild would have to pay 1 million for the whole guild to access the island

    3rd guild would have to pay 2 million

    And so on. Number 10 guild would pay 9 million and the guilds that are not in the guild ladder would have to pay 10 million. It does make it more interesting to reach the top of the guildladder, however it doesn't prevent anybody to get it. The prices I mentioned are not as important as the idea of letting everyone go to it because, as you have already understood, people don't love their guild as much as they would love having access to the guild island.


    I hope i made everything clear and, of course, if you agree or if you don't, I would be glad to hear any argument.

    • Like 8
  4. Petite précision concernant les candidatures : merci d'indiquer votre identifiant Discord (ou de rejoindre directement le nôtre) au lieu de juste répondre oui ! Nous avons besoin de votre discord pour vous contacter et pour vous recruter. Tout se passe sur discord.

  5. Hello, I accidentally released my PVP Ferrothorn, I don't know how that happened. Here is a screenshot I had fortunately taken some time ago. I don't mind the leftovers, I have already eaten.Ferrothorn1.PNG.fbebb4d3a98e36bd79c6ad978666434f.PNG


    Recovered. ~Equilibrium
    • Pseudo dans le jeu : Charcuterie
    • Temps de jeu : 582 heures, eh oui ! (une bonne partie en étant afk cela dit)
    • Âge : 24 ans
    • Quelques mots sur vous : je viens de finir mes études d'ingénieur, et là actuellement je cherche un travail ^_^
    • Avez-vous Discord (obligatoire) ? : ouais (pseudo CharcuSwag)
    • Où en êtes-vous dans l'aventure ? : j'ai fini sinnoh, je tape les boss et j'essaie de compléter le pokédex
    • Quels sont vos objectifs dans le jeu (PVP, farm, collection de PKM) ? : collection de pokémon pour l'instant, et après pvp
    • Pourquoi devrions-nous vous choisir ? parce que 1. je suis gentil 2. tout le monde aime la charcuterie

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