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Everything posted by Uottafac

  1. Re: MacCollin's Pokefarm (updated donations Seibuza & Azzadur 09.02.16) <t>IGN: Uottafac<br/> Regoin: Kanto only <br/> Pokémon and Donator: Charizard from zsxedcrfv<br/> Timezone: GMT+1</t>
  2. Re: MacCollin's Pokefarm (updated Anyarur's donations 20.01.16) <t>I will login at around 3 pm CET and be available to trade whenever you are online.</t>
  3. The only problem i have is that the gym leaders and their goons have "??" for their pokemon's level.
  4. Sorry guys, problem solved. He did not verify his account so he could obviously not log in. Thanks for the help though.
  5. He said he tried to log in three times in a row but the same problem occurred.
  6. PRO Username: marietto21 Do you have active membership?: Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Beginner What have you done before the problem was there? N/A What have you already tried to solve the problem? N/A Description and Message My friend says he tried to connect to the server but after finishing the queue he could not log in. It seems that just about when he has finished the queue the wait tab closes and he returns at the log in screen. What to do?
  7. Re: MacCollin's Pokefarm (updated Anyarur's donations 20.01.16) <t>Hello I'm a new player with i think only 4 hours ingame.<br/> <br/> I would like to have Blastoise.</t>
  8. Yesterday around 6 PM CET there were 1200 people in queue waiting to log in. I don't know when you will expand the player limit but i hope it will be x2 the capacity it has now.
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