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  1. Sold to @Riegnhard. pm me in game or here when u see this.
  2. invalid bid sorry i misread isildurr's bid as 1.5mil. Sorry i need glasses. @Riegnhard
  3. Halloween Riolu - Red Start Point/Price: 800k End Point: 24hours after start Insta: 20m Min. Raise: 200k Accepted Payment(s): Pokedollars CC@325k, Reroll Tickets@ 500k
  4. Hello, Currently the way flare boost is coded is incorrect. The way it is now- When recieving a burn, the mon recieves a sp. att boost, which goes away when swapping out, starting a new battle, etc. The way it should be- While the Pokémon with this Ability is burned, the power of its special moves is increased by 50%. (similair to guts but the pokemon gains sp. att instead and does lose att while burned) Strength sap also not coded so double rip for my drifblim
  5. @Zenaclan have been messaging you all night. have to go to bed in about 45min. pm me in game if you log in
  6. @Mbkthankyou very much. would you mind looking at this one as well if you have the time? https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/214189-wts-shiny-swinub-pvpable-ha-semi-epic/page/2/#comment-1251779
  7. @ZenaclanI am currently at work and will be online around 4-430 cst
  8. @Zoruami apologies, i was under the impression i was to acknowledge each bid. I understand now. Thankyou
  9. ten-four good buddy
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