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Everything posted by Kenedy

  1. De toutes façons, un topic entièrement en français ne sera pas traité. Si c'est un bug mais que tu souhaites en tirer des réponses, il faut absolument que tu refasses un sujet en anglais qui explique clairement ton problème.
  2. Je viens de voir que tu as édité ton post. Si tu es réellement banni, un modérateur te le dira bien vite. Si c'est pas le cas et que c'est réellement la troisième fois que cette erreur arrive, alors tu sais ce qu'il te reste à faire, attendre un peu puis tout devrait rentrer dans l'ordre.
  3. Salut Kairo, Tu peux essayer d'éteindre et de rallumer ton pc, ça ne t'amènera à rien, le problème n'est pas technique. You are banned of PRO signifie que ton compte a été banni (=exclu si tu préfères) du jeu. Autrement dit, tu ne peux plus te connecter dessus. C'est une sanction infligée. Si tu ne sais pas pourquoi tu as été sanctionné, rends-toi ici https://pokemonrevolution.net/Account.php Dès lors que t'as assez d'infos sur ta sanction, tu peux faire appel sur le forum suivant https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=32 Bon courage. ;)
  4. 24hours. Mirruka won Cleffa but we never connected at the same time on the game
  5. New pok added : Duskull.
  6. Re: Kenedy's shop : epic Cleffa, Seedot, Haunter ... <t>Bump, come on !</t>
  7. Ok, i'm waiting you in game. Thanks.
  8. Re: Kenedy's shop <t>Bump !!</t>
  9. Re: Kenedy's shop <t>Offer from Mirruka 35k for the hidden ability's Cleffa.</t>
  10. Re: Kenedy's shop <t>Starly sold to Leaff.</t>
  11. Hi, You can offering me in-game (Kenedy) or here. Thanks for reading me.
  12. Hi, I'm selling this haunter. 31 speed + Hasty. No EV's trained. Current offer : from : Instant price : 250k The auction ends 21st Sunday at 10pm. Thanks.
  13. same for me
  14. Allright report back if it worked out, please. I did everything but still doesnt work. I played 30minutes there is 2 hours ago i dont know why. I have the black screen after few seconds when the game is launched. Not specially when im clicking on Login. I dont know what to do.
  15. Ok no, it doesnt work....
  16. I have done an in-depth analysis with my antivirus and now its done, i can play.
  17. Hello, Thanks for your answer. My OS is Windows 8 but i will try to do what u send me.
  18. Up, I have the same problem.
  19. PRO Username: Kenedy Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Beginner What have you done before the problem was there? Hello, My problem is this. I have PRO64_93.exe and when I run the game, I fill my login information, and when I press to connect after a few seconds the game goes black and I can not do anything. I have nothing, no error message. The game goes black. What have you already tried to solve the problem? I tried to : - Play with PRO64 and PRO32 - Change Graphics Settings (VSync, Fullscreen, Resolution, Weather...). I have a fairly powerful PC to run the basic system requirements. - Run as administrator. - Change OS comptabilities (try to run the game with windows 8, 7, vista 1 2, xp...) - Download again and again the client. - Re-install Java Description and Message So, can anyone help me ? I would like to know how to do for play to Pokemon Revolution Online. And after some research, I feel like one of the few to whom it happens. Thanks. Sorry for my english, i'm French.
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