Unbreakable Metal Shield vs Unstoppable Fighting Force
We always wanted to solve this "irresistible force paradox" so let's put to test what you guys think about. First of all we are going to open a straw poll to know the answer, once the poll is decided (3 days after the poll is open) we are going to start the contest.
After the winner type is decided you are gonna have to catch 3 different pokemon selected from the winner type:
If Steel wins:
Magnezone, Aggron & Metagross.
If Fighting wins:
Conkeldurr, Hariyama & Gallade.
After you get what you think are the stronger (best IV possible choices) you are gonna have to find certain items. Again they will change depending the winner type:
If Steel wins:
Metal coat, Twisted Spoon & Magnet.
If Fighting wins:
Black Belt, Lucky Punch, Focus Sash.
Once you get all the requirements is time to show your stronger trio with each item. But where to do so? Of course you are gonna have to take 3 screenshots but first you have to find the 3 leaders so they can see your pokemon and items as well. Once more is up to the winner type to know who are we looking for.
If Steel wins:
You have to take a picture next to:
Lt. Surge, Steven & Terminator.
If Fighting wins:
You have to take a picture next to:
Chuck, Bruno & Koichi.
You have to show 3 screenshots in each we have to see your username, one of the selected pokemon holding one of the items and the leader next to you. Show us the 3 items, pokemon and leaders and what's left is an IV check. Depending of the IVs of each pokemon we are going to decided the winner.
If Steel Type win:
If Fighting Type win:
The prizes:
If Steel wins:
1st Place - Steel set (Steel Hood & Steel Cloak) - 1 Randomly Generated Shiny Aggron, Magnezone or Metagross - 200 c.
2nd Place - Steel set (Steel Hood & Steel Cloak) - 1 Random Aggron, Magnezone or Metagross - Small MS Medallion.
3rd place - Steel set (Steel Hood & Steel Cloak) - 1 Random Aggron, Magnezone or Metagross - 50 c.
If Fighting wins:
1st Place - Fighting Set (Fighting Hood & Fighting Cloak)- 1 Randomly Generated Shiny Conkeldurr, Hariyama or Gallade - 200 c.
2nd Place - Fighting Set (Fighting Hood & Fighting Cloak) - 1 Random Conkeldurr, Hariyama or Gallade - Small MS Medallion.
3rd place - Fighting Set (Fighting Hood & Fighting Cloak) - 1 Random Conkeldurr, Hariyama or Gallade - 50 c.