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  1. Re: WTS SHINY GOURGEIST !!! 1rst red serv <t>20m my offer for it</t>
  2. Re: Insta Shop - Epic Shadow Tag Gothithelle - Epic h.a Gliscor - Epic Jolly Garchomp - <t>pm me in game about gothi ty i take it 7m</t>
  3. insta only 7m i can give talon
  4. thank you sir kagawa sorry for that i will keep it in mind thank you
  5. 8m for EPIC TALON <r><URL url="https://imgur.com/PB1BLL0">https://imgur.com/PB1BLL0</URL><br/> <br/> 8m only looking for someone wants to buy my pvp sweeper <E>:Cool:</E> <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  6. 6m insta only pm me
  7. my net post double srry <t>sssssssssssssssssssssssssoooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruy</t>
  8. 1m b.o 2m insta 24hours fake b.o = report https://imgur.com/zujeNXP gl :Sleeping: :Sleeping: :Sleeping:
  9. look in my post got double
  10. Soldsoldsold
  11. Sold sold sold
  12. Re: Wts 26 ms <t>men pm sent i want to buy 1 for my self thanks not for buy and sell hehe i need it ty sitzei!!</t>
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