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Posts posted by L0wd

  1. I would go a little further and would do something like raising the reward when logging in some days in a row:


    1. Day: $1000

    2. Days: $2000

    3. Days: $3000


    7. Days and more: $7000


    Would be great!

  2. 93091

    [glow=red]Allright fixed it![/glow]


    I started the client and pressed log-in. i got the message "can not connect to the server" I just tryed it again and again like 15 times. Then I got "a login in..." but nothing happened. 0 queue etc. I just waited 3-5 mins and got loged into the game without a queue,- hope it helps! :Angel:


    That's what I wrote... :Ambivalent:

  3. Hallo zusammen,


    würde auch gerne der Gilde beitreten. Bin 20 Jahre alt und habe letzte Woche bei PRO angefangen. Habe schon als Kind gerne Pokemon gespielt und finde, dass PRO einiges richtig gut umgesetzt hat. Im Moment habe ich das Ziel alle Orden zu holen und mich danach aufs EV Training für's PVP zu konzentrieren. :Angel:

    Bin berufstätig und daher meistens nur abends online.



  4. So I've got the latest recommended drivers for my notebook.

    Unfortunately I'm stil receiving the disconnects. The most weird thing is that if I log in again, I start in a pokemon center and my pokemons are fully healed.

    EDIT: Or is it because I got disconnected while being in a fight?


    I*m using WLAN but I have a great connection. But I'll try if it happens with LAN too.

  5. PRO Username: l0wd

    Do you have active membership?: No

    Your knowledge about PRO: Beginner


    What have you done before the problem was there?

    Just leveling pokemon.


    What have you already tried to solve the problem?



    Description and Message

    Hey there,


    sometimes when I'm ingame all players around me are disappearing and I get the message "Can't connect to the server". The weird thing is that I already was playing on it and then I get disconnected with that error. Unfortunately it happens very often.


    Furthermore usually I'm able to skip the queue. Let's say I press login and I'm on place 500 in queue then I just cancel it, login again and I can join instantly.

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