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  1. thanks it helped!
  2. i hope i have some
  3. if someone could teleport me out of here that would be deeply appreciated.
  4. like I can't surf on the water and I'm stuck here
  5. yo I'm stuck too can you teleport me out as well?
  6. currently my character is stuck next to the hoenn elite 4. theres that little pond of water right outside of it to the left up stop steps. I am stuck there currently. I was just trying to figure out how I could progress to sinnoh and I was just mindless moving my character and then I went to the the upper? back part of the pond where there was a small ledge... got on it.. now I can't get off!!! surf is not woken to get back into the water so I can leave! I was absent from the game after 2 years and came on and after 15 minutes this shit happened its so lame. can someone please help?!
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